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Mireille Bahr
840 Chemin du Serre Rouge


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Price per night:

price from €45






Description for B&B:

There are three cozy rooms available on the ground floor, each accommodating two guests. Additionally, the attic offers two connecting rooms that can accommodate up to six people. During the summer, breakfast is served on the terrace, providing a delightful dining experience. Furthermore, the garden is equipped with seats and tables, perfect for relaxing and enjoying the outdoors.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our charming gite, featuring three spacious double rooms conveniently located on the ground floor. Adjacent to the rooms, you will find a well-equipped bathroom and a convenient kitchenette in the hallway. On the first floor, there is a delightful suite comprising of two adjoining rooms, perfect for accommodating parties of two to six guests.

Take advantage of our lovely garden, where you can relax and enjoy the outdoor atmosphere, as we provide tables and chairs for your comfort. In the summer months, start your day with a delightful breakfast served on the terrace, allowing you to experience the beauty of the surrounding scenery.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 45 65 280 420 25 oui
(3 pers.)
1 75 80 oui
Holiday Home 12 22,50


Animals Allowed


  • Nyons Old Town: Explore the charming medieval streets of Nyons, filled with historic buildings, local shops, and cafes. Admire the ancient clock tower and visit the local market to experience the flavors of Provence.
  • Jardin des Arômes: Located in Nyons, this beautiful aromatic garden showcases a variety of plants and herbs. Enjoy a leisurely stroll through the garden and learn about the different scents and their uses in traditional Provencal cuisine.
  • Pont Roman de Nyons: This Roman bridge, also known as the Pont Roman de Saint-May, is an architectural gem that dates back to the 1st century AD. Take a walk across the bridge and appreciate its historical significance.
  • Mont Ventoux: Known as the "Giant of Provence," Mont Ventoux is a must-visit for nature lovers and cyclists. Enjoy breathtaking views from the mountain's summit, go hiking on its trails, or challenge yourself with a cycling ascent.
  • Château de Grignan: A short drive from Nyons, this stunning Renaissance castle is perched on a hilltop and offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Explore the castle's interior, stroll through the gardens, and attend cultural events and exhibitions.
  • Les Barons Perchés: Located in Suze-la-Rousse, this unique attraction features a collection of over 500 treehouses. Enjoy a walk through the forest and marvel at the creativity and craftsmanship of these whimsical structures.
  • La Tour de Crest: Situated in the town of Crest, this medieval tower is the highest dungeon in France. Climb to the top for panoramic views of the Rhône Valley and discover the tower's history through interactive exhibits.
  • Vaison-la-Romaine: Just a short distance from Nyons, Vaison-la-Romaine boasts an impressive Roman archaeological site. Explore the well-preserved ruins, including a theater, baths, and a Roman bridge, and visit the charming old town.
  • Dentelles de Montmirail: This stunning mountain range near Gigondas offers magnificent hiking opportunities. Enjoy picturesque landscapes, vineyards, and rock formations as you explore the trails and take in the beauty of the area. 10. Château de Grillon: Located in the village of Grillon, this 12th-century castle is now a winery that produces excellent Côtes du Rhône wines. Take a tour of the castle, learn about winemaking, and sample their delicious wines. Note: Please check the opening hours, availability, and any travel restrictions related to COVID-19 before visiting these attractions.

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