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Via Formigo 22
Mirano, Venise


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Price per night:

price from €60


+39 041488005


Description for B&B:

Experience the ultimate tranquility during your visit to Venice by staying at CASA COUNTRY bed & breakfast. Nestled amidst lush greenery and surrounded by the picturesque countryside, this residence offers a serene retreat. Conveniently located just 18 minutes away from Venice-Canal Grande by train and a short distance from the breathtaking Villas of the “Riviera del Brenta,” Casa Country provides the perfect setting for a memorable holiday. Originally a humble farmhouse, the property was initially intended to offer respite to hardworking laborers after toiling in the fields. Today, it is the cherished abode of Maria and Paolo, who lovingly restored a significant portion of the house to revive its original rustic charm. Strategically positioned between the awe-inspiring city of Venice and the enchanting city of Padova, Casa Country is situated in the heart of the Veneto countryside, surrounded by rich history, culture, and traditions. However, locating this hidden gem requires a little exploration. Follow a charming country road that meanders through cultivated fields and verdant vegetation, a route frequented by both local and international tourists who have been tipped off by friends in the know.


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CASA COUNTRY is conveniently situated near the cities of Venice, Padua, and Treviso, and can be easily reached by car, train, or bus. There are plenty of options for exploring the area, including pleasant walks to discover villas, churches, and gardens, as well as a wide range of choices for food enthusiasts.

To reach CASA COUNTRY by car, take the A4 motorway and exit at Dolo - Mirano - Vetrego, which is located between Venice and Padua. The distance to reach CASA COUNTRY is just 3 km. Once you reach the roundabout, take the first exit towards Mirano (Mirano>). After 500 meters, at the next roundabout, take the third right exit towards Scaltenigo (



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 60 70 oui
(3 pers.)
2 85 95 oui
Apartment 1 60 70 oui


Animals Allowed