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Sarah And Daniel Mccormack
7 Rue Du Stade
Mael Carhaix


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Price per night:

price from €44





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Description for B&B:

Chez Nous is located in Mael Carhaix and offers various accommodation options. We have a double room with a peaceful view of rue du stade, equipped with tea and coffee making facilities. Additionally, we have a family room that overlooks our beautiful garden, also providing tea and coffee amenities. Lastly, we offer a twin room with garden views, and tea and coffee facilities are available as well. Each room is equipped with a hairdryer for your convenience.

Our shared facilities include a shower room with a shower, wash basin, and toilet, as well as a separate washroom with a wash basin and toilet.

Every morning, we provide a continental breakfast in our kitchen. If you'd like, you can also enjoy a leisurely stroll in our garden.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our peaceful abode located on a serene street. Originally our personal residence, we have now transformed the three rooms on the second floor into a delightful bed and breakfast for you to enjoy.


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As you enter the village, you will find us conveniently located just off the D11 road. Look out for the road that is directly across from the Notary Office. Our house is the fourth one on the left. Alternatively, if you are approaching from the village center, continue past the Mairies office and the garage. Take the second right turn, which is situated opposite the Notary Office. You will find our house as the fourth one on the left.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 44 45
(3 pers.)
1 5500




  • Abbaye de Bon Repos: Located just 3.5 kilometers away, Abbaye de Bon Repos is a historic Cistercian abbey founded in the 12th century. Explore the ruins, visit the museum, and enjoy the beautiful surrounding nature.
  • Lac de Guerlédan: Approximately 15 kilometers from the given address, Lac de Guerlédan is a stunning man-made lake offering various water activities, including swimming, boating, and kayaking. Enjoy the scenic beauty and take a leisurely walk along the lake's shores.
  • Huelgoat Forest: Situated around 30 kilometers away, Huelgoat Forest is a magical woodland known for its moss-covered rocks, picturesque waterfalls, and ancient trees. Take a hike through the enchanting trails and discover the legendary Arthurian tales associated with the area.
  • Château de Trévarez: Located about 35 kilometers from Mael Carhaix, Château de Trévarez is a magnificent castle surrounded by vast gardens. Marvel at its neo-Gothic architecture, explore the exhibitions within, and stroll through the well-maintained park.
  • Josselin Castle: Situated around 60 kilometers away, Josselin Castle is a medieval fortress overlooking the Nantes-Brest Canal. Admire the impressive architecture, visit the museum showcasing the history of the Rohan family, and wander through the charming town of Josselin.
  • Quimper: Roughly 65 kilometers from the given address, Quimper is a picturesque city known for its well-preserved medieval architecture and charming streets. Visit the impressive Gothic-style Quimper Cathedral, explore the historic city center, and browse through the local shops.
  • Oceanopolis: Located in Brest, approximately 90 kilometers away, Oceanopolis is a large marine park and aquarium. Discover various marine ecosystems, learn about marine life conservation, and enjoy educational presentations and exhibits.
  • Côte de Granit Rose: Situated around 100 kilometers from Mael Carhaix, Côte de Granit Rose (Pink Granite Coast) is famous for its unique pink rock formations. Enjoy breathtaking coastal walks, explore the charming towns of Perros-Guirec and Ploumanac'h, and witness the stunning sunset over the rocky coastline. Please note that the distances mentioned are approximate and may vary based on the exact location within Mael Carhaix.

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