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Belboom Marie-france
Lieu-dit Gaillardel ,


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2 74 80
Holiday Home 2 95 210


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  • Château de Bonaguil: Located near Fumel, the Château de Bonaguil is a stunning medieval fortress dating back to the 13th century. It is known for its unique architecture, well-preserved towers, and beautiful surrounding landscape.
  • Musée de Fumel: This local museum in Fumel showcases the history and heritage of the region. Visitors can explore exhibitions that feature archaeological artifacts, traditional crafts, and artworks by local artists.
  • Grottes de Lastournelle: Situated a short distance from Fumel, the Grottes de Lastournelle are ancient caves with fascinating geological formations. Guided tours are available, allowing visitors to discover the underground wonders and learn about the cave's history.
  • Château de Biron: Approximately 30 kilometers from Fumel, the Château de Biron is a magnificent castle perched on a hilltop. Dating back to the 12th century, it offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and features impressive architecture and well-preserved interiors.
  • Parc en Ciel: A family-friendly adventure park located in Lacapelle-Biron, Parc en Ciel offers various thrilling activities such as zip-lining, tree-top adventures, and climbing courses. It is an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts and those seeking an adrenaline rush.
  • Musée Bernard Palissy: Situated in Saint-Avit, this museum is dedicated to showcasing the works of the renowned artist Bernard Palissy. Known for his ceramic creations, the museum displays a vast collection of his pottery, sculptures, and intricate designs.
  • Château de Duras: Located in Duras, this impressive castle overlooks the Dropt Valley. Visitors can explore the medieval fortress, visit the museum inside, and enjoy the splendid gardens surrounding the château.
  • Les Jardins de Sardy: Situated in Puy-l'Évêque, Les Jardins de Sardy is a picturesque garden offering a serene environment to relax and appreciate nature. The beautifully landscaped gardens feature colorful flowers, water features, and peaceful walking paths.
  • Château de Gavaudun: Positioned near Gavaudun, this charming castle dates back to the 11th century. It stands on a rocky outcrop and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the castle's ruins and learn about its rich history. 10. Moulin de Boisse: Found in Saint-Georges, Moulin de Boisse is a restored windmill that now serves as a museum. Visitors can discover the inner workings of a traditional windmill and learn about milling techniques that were once essential for the region. These attractions near Fumel offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, ensuring an enriching visit for travelers.

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