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La Vicairie
Le Fau de Peyre



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price from €350




Description for Gite

Escape to the enchanting beauty of Fau de Peyre, a serene village nestled in the captivating Lozere region. Our charming family house offers a cozy retreat for 6 to 12 guests, providing an idyllic base for exploring the picturesque towns of St Flour, Mende, and Millau. Immerse yourself in the peaceful rhythm of nature at an impressive altitude of 1100m on the breathtaking Aubrac plateau. Here, joy and laughter fill the air, ensuring unforgettable holidays with a personalized touch.

Glamping Aubrac presents a unique proposition, an enticing alternative that promises a one-of-a-kind experience. It invites you to uncover a hidden gem in France, a place that has preserved its authentic essence. By choosing to stay in our family house, you create cherished memories and indulge in the comforting embrace of a home away from home, enveloped in a sense of tranquility and enriched with captivating history.

Aubrac, a land that lies close to your heart, is easily accessible by train, plane, or car. Lozere graciously opens its doors to welcome you. Whether you embark on a scenic train journey, a short plane ride, or a leisurely drive, our location is conveniently situated only 5 hours from Paris, 1 hour and 30 minutes from Clermont Ferrand, 2 hours from Montpellier, and 2 hours and 30 minutes from Lyon. Choose a holiday that is beyond the ordinary, where every moment is personalized and tailored to your desires.


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extra bed
Holiday Home 1 350 700


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  • Gorges du Tarn: Located about 15 kilometers northwest of La Vicairie, Gorges du Tarn is a stunning canyon carved by the Tarn River. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views, go hiking or biking along the scenic trails, and even try water sports like kayaking or canoeing.
  • Aven Armand: Situated around 20 kilometers southeast of La Vicairie, Aven Armand is a remarkable limestone cave known for its gigantic stalagmites and stalactites. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the cave's stunning formations and learn about its geological history.
  • Château de La Baume: Found about 10 kilometers southwest of La Vicairie, Château de La Baume is a medieval castle perched atop a hill. This well-preserved fortress offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and provides insights into the region's rich history through its exhibits and guided tours.
  • Loups du Gévaudan: Located approximately 30 kilometers northeast of La Vicairie, Loups du Gévaudan is a wolf park dedicated to the preservation and education of these magnificent creatures. Visitors can observe wolves in their natural habitat, attend informative presentations, and even participate in feeding sessions.
  • Aubrac Plateau: Situated about 40 kilometers west of La Vicairie, the Aubrac Plateau is a vast and picturesque upland region covered with rolling hills, meadows, and traditional stone villages. It is perfect for nature lovers, offering numerous hiking trails, stunning vistas, and a chance to experience the authentic rural life of France.
  • Aumont-Aubrac: A charming village located roughly 25 kilometers west of La Vicairie, Aumont-Aubrac boasts beautiful medieval architecture and a rich cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the village's narrow streets, visit the Romanesque-style Church of Saint-Jean-Baptiste, and enjoy the local cuisine in one of the traditional restaurants.
  • Sainte-Enimie: Situated around 30 kilometers northwest of La Vicairie, Sainte-Enimie is a picturesque village nestled in the Gorges du Tarn. Known for its medieval charm, narrow alleys, and stone houses, this village is a favorite among photographers and history enthusiasts. Don't miss the chance to visit the beautiful Sainte-Enimie Abbey.
  • Micropolis - La Cité des Insectes: Located approximately 40 kilometers southeast of La Vicairie, Micropolis is an interactive insect museum and theme park. It offers a unique opportunity to learn about the fascinating world of insects through exhibits, workshops, and live demonstrations. Perfect for families and nature enthusiasts. These are just a few of the many attractions near La Vicairie, offering a variety of experiences ranging from natural wonders to cultural heritage sites.

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