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La Vicairie Le Village Fau de Peyre
Peyre en Aubrac


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Price per night:

price from €35






Description for B&B:

Upon entering the family house, one is immediately struck by the captivating spirit that fills the air. Located in a quaint village with a mere 30 inhabitants, this house, originally built in the 1800s as a residence for the local priest, now stands as a warm and welcoming family home.

Situated in close proximity to various amenities, including a restaurant, an institution, two farms, and a school, all within a mere 50 meters, the family house offers simplicity and comfort. Its walled garden provides a delightful space for al fresco dining under the sun, with a coffee table sheltered by large umbrellas for those seeking a cozy spot.

Every moment spent in this enchanting home is cherished for its uniqueness. Embrace the charm of a place that holds treasured memories and evokes deep emotions. Indulge in the pleasure of listening to vinyl records by Stan Getz or Maria Callas, or tune into the local radio station, Margeride, for a taste of the region. Unwind in the lounge, surrounded by a collection of books from the library, while reclining on comfortable couches or basking in the warmth of the wood stove.

Entertainment options abound, from watching DVDs or television to listening to your favorite tunes on your I-Pod. For a tranquil respite, find solace in a secluded corner of the garden and allow yourself to drift into a peaceful nap.

Before indulging in a delectable meal, engage in a friendly game of darts, either in the cozy lounge or in the garden, aiming for a genuine Irish target. Savor a refreshing drink as you eagerly observe your succulent veal chop being expertly cooked on the barbecue.

In this abode, where conversations flow more freely than anywhere else, you will experience the true essence of everyday life. Come and immerse yourself in the magic of this family home, where every detail is cherished and celebrated.


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To reach your destination, take the A75 motorway and exit at Aumont-Aubrac. From there, head towards Fau Peyre for approximately 8 kilometers. Once you reach the village, you will find your destination behind the church.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 35 40 20 7,50
Holiday Home 6


Animals Allowed


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  • Gorges du Tarn: This deep canyon carved by the Tarn River is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Enjoy kayaking, canoeing, or simply admire the breathtaking views from the various viewpoints along the road.
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