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Clos Malpré
Route de la Combe



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price from €370




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Each chalet offers luxurious 4-star rooms with fully equipped bathrooms including showers or baths, and TVs. These charming cottages are fully independent, featuring spacious living rooms, well-equipped kitchens, and lovely terraces. Ideal for accommodating family reunions, group of friends, or organizing seminars. On-site recreational activities include hiking, mountain bike rentals, access to a gymnasium, tennis courts, and a fitness center.


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To reach your destination, follow these travel directions:
Take the route towards Schirmeck Senones via Strasbourg, which will take approximately one hour by car. Alternatively, you can opt for the Nancy to Strasbourg route, then continue on to Luneville and St. Die. From there, head towards Etival Clairefontaine before finally reaching Senones, which will also take approximately one hour by car.



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  • Abbaye de Senones: Located in the heart of Senones, this abbey dates back to the 7th century and is a significant historical and architectural landmark. Visitors can explore the impressive abbey complex, including the picturesque cloister and the remains of the ancient abbey church.
  • Château de Pierre-Percée: Situated near the village of Pierre-Percée, this medieval castle offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can wander through the ruins, climb the towers, and learn about the castle's fascinating history through informative exhibits.
  • Lac de Pierre-Percée: A beautiful reservoir surrounded by lush forests, Lac de Pierre-Percée is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can enjoy activities such as swimming, fishing, boating, and hiking along the scenic trails that encircle the lake.
  • Musée Pierre Noël: Located in nearby Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, this museum showcases a diverse collection of art, history, and regional heritage. From prehistoric artifacts to contemporary artworks, the exhibits offer a comprehensive insight into the local culture and history of the Vosges region.
  • Cascade de la Pissoire: A stunning waterfall nestled in the heart of the Vosges Mountains, the Cascade de la Pissoire is a must-visit for nature lovers. The waterfall is accessible via a picturesque hiking trail and provides a tranquil and idyllic setting for relaxation and photography.
  • Église Saint-Étienne de Senones: This impressive church in Senones dates back to the 12th century and exhibits a beautiful blend of Gothic and Romanesque architectural styles. Visitors can admire the intricate stained glass windows, ornate sculptures, and the tranquil ambiance of the church.
  • La Roche du Diable: Translated as the "Devil's Rock," this natural site offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Vosges Mountains. With its unique geological formations and hiking trails, La Roche du Diable is a popular spot for outdoor activities and enjoying the scenic beauty of the region.
  • Le Parc de la Schlitte: Situated in Senones, this park is an ideal place for a family outing. With its playgrounds, picnic areas, and walking paths, visitors can relax and enjoy the serene surroundings. The park also features a miniature railway that offers rides through the charming landscape.
  • Musée du Château Montaigu: Located in La Chapelle-devant-Bruyères, this museum is housed in a 13th-century castle and showcases an extensive collection of historical artifacts, including weapons, armor, and art pieces. Visitors can explore the castle's various rooms and learn about the medieval history of the region. 10. Le Musée des Vallées: Situated in Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines, this museum focuses on the history and traditions of the Val d'Argent region. It offers exhibitions on topics such as mining, textile production, and the cultural heritage of the Vosges Mountains. The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions and educational programs for all ages.

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