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Le Verger


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price from €255




Description for Gite

Situated on the border between the picturesque regions of Poitou and Berry, these three enchanting gites are perfect for those seeking tranquility and a serene atmosphere. Set within a beautiful rural estate that boasts a functioning farm and a serene river, each of these houses offer complete privacy and independence. If you are captivated by the allure of the idyllic French countryside and value genuine warmth and simplicity, then the Domaine du Verger is sure to be a delightful choice for you.


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Holiday Home 3 255 425


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  • Futuroscope: Located in Poitiers, about 45 minutes away from Le Verger, Futuroscope is a futuristic theme park that offers a unique multimedia experience. It features a variety of visually stunning attractions, 3D shows, virtual reality experiences, and interactive exhibits that cater to visitors of all ages.
  • Château d'Angles-sur-l'Anglin: Situated in the charming village of Angles-sur-l'Anglin, approximately 20 minutes from Le Verger, this medieval castle offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's history. Visitors can explore the well-preserved castle ruins, admire the picturesque views of the Anglin River, and stroll through the quaint streets of the village.
  • Parc de la Brenne: Located about an hour away from Le Verger, Parc de la Brenne is a vast natural park known for its exceptional biodiversity. It is home to numerous lakes, wetlands, and meadows, making it a paradise for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. Visitors can enjoy hiking, cycling, and wildlife spotting as they explore this peaceful and scenic area.
  • Oradour-sur-Glane: A little over an hour's drive from Le Verger, Oradour-sur-Glane is a haunting memorial village that stands as a testimony to the atrocities of World War II. The original village was destroyed by the Nazis in 1944, and today it remains as a preserved memorial, allowing visitors to experience the tragedy and pay tribute to the victims.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe: Situated in Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe, approximately 30 minutes away from Le Verger, this UNESCO World Heritage site is renowned for its stunning medieval frescoes. Visitors can explore the abbey's impressive architecture, marvel at the intricate artwork, and learn about its rich history.
  • La Vallée des Singes: Located about an hour and a half from Le Verger, La Vallée des Singes is a unique primate park that offers a memorable experience for both children and adults. Visitors can observe and interact with various species of monkeys and apes in a spacious and natural environment, promoting conservation and education.
  • Château de Chambord: Situated in the Loir-et-Cher department, approximately two hours away from Le Verger, Château de Chambord is one of the most magnificent castles in France. Known for its distinctive French Renaissance architecture, the castle boasts intricate details, grandeur, and vast parkland. Visitors can explore the castle's opulent interior, stroll through the beautiful gardens, and witness the majesty of this iconic landmark. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near Le Verger, offering a diverse range of experiences and opportunities to explore the history, culture, and natural beauty of the region.

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