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2, place du Mail


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price from €99






Description for B&B:

Our 4-star hotel is located in the charming historical village of Grignan in Provence. As you cross the gate, you will be welcomed into our beautiful garden. Our distinguished rooms offer stunning views of the garden or fountain, where you can truly feel the joy of life. For a more homely experience, our private house is just 100 meters away, providing a comfortable and cozy atmosphere.

Le Clair de la Plume, our always-open restaurant, invites you to indulge in gastronomic dinners featuring fresh Provencal products. We also offer a "Bistro" formula for lunch and a delightful tea room in the afternoons. On sunny days, our Mediterranean garden awaits you just 200 meters away, offering not only another outdoor restaurant but also a natural, chemical-free swimming pool. For a romantic getaway, we have a special lovers' pavilion nestled within the garden.

Furthermore, in the heart of the village, our gift shop showcases the scents and traditions of Provence, allowing you to take a piece of this enchanting place home with you.


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If you are coming from the NORTH (Paris, Lyon, Valence), take Autoroute A7 and exit at "Montelimar Sud" (n°18). Once you pass through the toll gate, continue towards "Nyons / Valreas" for about 3 kilometers. Then, follow the signs for "Grignan / Gap" by turning left onto route D133. Grignan will be approximately 15 kilometers further.

If you are coming from the SOUTH (Marseille, Avignon, Orange), take Autoroute A7 and exit at "Bollene" (n°19). Once you pass through the toll gate, go right around the roundabout and head towards "St Paul 3 Chateaux". Upon reaching St Paul 3 Chateaux, follow the signs for "Grignan" by taking route D59 and then D71.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
16 99 490 non
(3 pers.)
7 329 490 non
Apartment 2 120 190 35 non


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Grignan: Located just a short distance from Place du Mail, the Château de Grignan is a magnificent Renaissance castle. Explore its grand architecture, beautiful gardens, and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Collégiale Saint-Sauveur: This medieval collegiate church is situated in the heart of Grignan. Admire its stunning Gothic architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and peaceful atmosphere.
  • La Ferme aux Crocodiles: Located in Pierrelatte, about 20 kilometers away from Grignan, this unique attraction is home to over 400 crocodiles from various species. Explore the tropical greenhouse and watch the crocodiles being fed.
  • Truffle Market in Richerenches: If you're visiting during truffle season (November to March), don't miss the opportunity to visit the truffle market in Richerenches, approximately 15 kilometers away. Experience the excitement of buying and tasting these prized delicacies.
  • Domaine de Montine: Situated in Grignan, this family-owned winery offers wine tastings and tours of its vineyards and cellar. Learn about the local winemaking process and sample their delicious wines, including Côtes-du-Rhône and Grignan-les-Adhémar.
  • Les Grottes de la Madeleine: Located in Saint-Remèze, about 50 kilometers away, these limestone caves are a remarkable natural attraction. Take a guided tour through the underground chambers and marvel at the stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations.
  • Palais des Papes: A bit further away in Avignon, about 70 kilometers from Grignan, you'll find the Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes). This UNESCO World Heritage Site is an impressive medieval fortress and palace, offering fascinating insights into the history of the Catholic Church.
  • Pont d'Avignon: Also in Avignon is the famous Pont d'Avignon (Avignon Bridge). This historic bridge, partially destroyed by floods, is a popular tourist spot. Take a stroll across the remaining section and enjoy beautiful views of the Rhône River.
  • Musée de la Lavande: Located in Coustellet, approximately 60 kilometers away, this museum offers a captivating journey into the world of lavender. Learn about the history and production of this fragrant flower and enjoy its soothing scent throughout the exhibits. 10. Les Chorégies d'Orange: If you're a fan of opera, consider attending a performance at the Théâtre Antique in Orange, about 60 kilometers away. Les Chorégies d'Orange is a renowned summer opera festival that takes place in this ancient Roman theater. Enjoy the incredible acoustics and the magical atmosphere of this historical site. Please note that distances are approximate and may vary depending on the specific location within Grignan.

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