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Quartier Chabas


8 reviews

Price per night:

price from €52




Description for B&B:

La Ferme de Pauroux, a charming Provençal farm dating back to 1839, has been transformed into a delightful bed and breakfast (chambres d'hôtes). Immerse yourself in the essence of France as you explore the breathtaking landscape of the Drôme region, with its rolling hills, stunning cliffs of La Roche Colombe, meandering rivers, and quaint French villages. Take leisurely strolls through picturesque markets and savor a glass of red wine on a terrace in an authentic village setting. Embark on memorable hikes or bike rides through the idyllic countryside. Your hosts, Thierry Chambrillon and his wife Sabine, extend a warm welcome to you. Thierry, the son of a French farmer and a graduate of the prestigious école hôtelière, will impress you with his culinary skills and treat you to a delectable French meal (table d'hôtes). Whether you relish the French way of life or wish to delve deeper into its culture, La Ferme de Pauroux eagerly awaits your visit.

Description for Gite

La Ferme de Pauroux offers 4 delightful guestrooms, all located on the first floor of this historic farmhouse. The original features of this traditional French farmhouse have been carefully preserved, resulting in a cozy and inviting ambiance. Each room provides a picturesque view of the rolling hills and the charming village of Poët Célard. The guestrooms are available in various sizes, accommodating two, three, or four guests. Additionally, a charming 62m2 apartment with a private entrance and terrace is also available, situated in one of the renovated annexes.


Appréciations pour La Ferme de Pauroux, Mornans:

Super accueil
Review by: Estelle Pierre , Aou 17 2022 12:33PM
Nous avons été divinement bien accueillis
L endroit est superbe la cuisine délicieuse
Nous recommandons les yeux fermés
Merci encore
Estelle Aurélien et Mathis de passage en vélo
très bonnes vacances à la ferme Pauroux
Review by: Geneviève, Juin 28 2020 2:35PM
séjour en gîte très agréable, ambiance dans ferme ancienne avec accueil chaleureux. Sabine conseille très bien les randonnées pédestres et Thierry nous régale avec ses bons produits cuisinés. Merci pour ce très bon moment.
WE de 4 jours entre amis motards
Review by: Jacqueline BOUIX, Juin 2 2017 8:21AM
Séjour de 4 jours super sympa, un très bon accueil, une gentillesse remarquable de nos hôtes, Thierry un très bon cuisinier qui ne m'oubliait jamais pour le rosé...
La literie est confortable et calme, nous avons déjeuné mangé dehors quel bonheur!
Merci encore à vous deux pour votre acceuil
Une excellente adresse !
Review by: C. Maurin, Mai 8 2017 7:44PM
Accueil très sympathique, repas copieux et délicieux...parfait à tous points de vue !
Une adresse à recommander
Review by: M. Bridot, Mai 4 2017 5:43PM
Les lieux, l'accueil attentif et la gentillesse des propriétaires, la cuisine de qualité font de la ferme de Pauroux une adresse à privilégier.
We de charme
Review by: Ranchoup Catherine, Mai 3 2017 10:24AM
Nous sommes passés ce we dans cette jolie ferme. We entre amis. Accueil chaleureux et repas délicieux. Une adresse à recommander. Une valeur sûre !
Une bonne adresse
Review by: Lanchas, Avr 10 2017 5:21PM
Très bon week end passé à la Ferme de Pauroux. Super accueil des propriétaires et cuisine extraordinaire de Thierry. Nous recommandons cette adresse nous y retournerons bien volontiers !! Merci encore
Une pause très agréable
Review by: Irène Guilloton, Jan 9 2017 11:42AM
Séjour de trois jours encadrant le nouvel an . Nous étions un groupe de 10 amis et avons été très bien accueillis et bien installés grâce à la gentillesse de nos hôtes aux petits soins pour nous. La cuisine de Thierry est succulente, l'ambiance très conviviale. A recommander!

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Upon reaching Lyon, take the A7 highway heading towards Valence. Continue on the A7 between Valence and Montelimar, and once you spot exit 15 (Crest, Die and Gap), take it. Follow the D111 road, following the signs towards Crest. Upon reaching Crest, take the first right at the roundabout, following the signs towards Gap. At the end of the road, take a left at the next roundabout, still heading towards Gap. As you approach the first set of traffic lights, make a right turn, following the signs towards Nyons (D538) and Divajeu, Saoû, Mornans, and Bourdeaux. After driving for approximately 20km (6km after Saou), you will notice, on your left, a crossing with the D719 road towards Mornans. At this crossing, you will find La Ferme de Pauroux, easily recognizable by its blue shuttered windows. Be cautious not to take the road that leads up the hill, as it will take you too far.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 52 66 364 462 16 oui
(3 pers.)
1 68 76 16 oui
Holiday Home 1 535 650




  • Château de Grignan: Located about 15 kilometers northwest of Quartier Chabas, the Château de Grignan is a beautifully preserved Renaissance castle. It offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and is famous for its connection to French author Madame de Sévigné.
  • Abbaye de Valcroissant: Situated approximately 10 kilometers northeast of Quartier Chabas, the Abbaye de Valcroissant is a medieval abbey surrounded by picturesque landscapes. Visitors can explore its historic architecture and tranquil gardens.
  • Jardin des Herbes: Found in the nearby village of Montbrun-les-Bains, Jardin des Herbes is a charming botanical garden dedicated to aromatic and medicinal plants. It provides a peaceful setting for a leisurely stroll and often hosts workshops on herbalism.
  • La Tour de Crest: Located around 35 kilometers southeast of Quartier Chabas, La Tour de Crest is the highest medieval dungeon in France. This well-preserved fortress offers panoramic views from its summit and hosts various exhibitions and events throughout the year.
  • Vercors Regional Natural Park: Situated a short distance to the west, the Vercors Regional Natural Park is a haven for nature lovers. With its stunning limestone cliffs, dense forests, and extensive network of hiking trails, it offers a wealth of outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing.
  • Pont-en-Royans: Situated approximately 45 kilometers northwest of Quartier Chabas, Pont-en-Royans is a picturesque village known for its colorful houses and arched bridge spanning the Bourne River. Visitors can explore its narrow streets, visit the suspended houses museum, and enjoy the scenic beauty of the area.
  • Grotte de la Luire: Located about 50 kilometers east of Quartier Chabas, the Grotte de la Luire is a fascinating cave system renowned for its impressive stalactites and stalagmites. Guided tours allow visitors to discover the underground wonders and learn about the geological history of the region.
  • Dieulefit: Situated around 30 kilometers south of Quartier Chabas, Dieulefit is a charming village known for its pottery and ceramics. It offers a vibrant art scene, numerous workshops, galleries, and a weekly market where visitors can appreciate and purchase local crafts. These attractions near Quartier Chabas offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical castles and abbeys to immersing oneself in natural beauty and artistic traditions.

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