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Tubières de Cayless, Martin & Lyubov
21 Rue Victor Hugo


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Price per night:

price from €279






Description for B&B:

We invite you to experience a delightful English/French-owned bed and breakfast in the enchanting Aude region of the Langeudoc. Our establishment offers a comfortable and high-quality stay, ensuring your utmost satisfaction. Situated in a prime location, our B&B is perfectly positioned for exploring the stunning beauty and rich history of the area. Only 7km from Narbonne and a mere 12km from the golden Mediterranean beaches, as well as being in close proximity to the renowned Canal du Midi, Carcassonne, the Corbieres, the Minervois, and the captivating Cathar Castles. Additionally, the village boasts a wide selection of charming restaurants, all within a short walking distance of less than 5 minutes. Our accommodations have been awarded the prestigious Clévacance rating, assuring you of a memorable and enjoyable stay. Siret registration number: 44079928600016.

Description for Gite

We have two delightful holiday apartments at your disposal. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for further information and booking arrangements.


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extra bed
Notes: Breakfast very copy
(3 pers.)
1 50 70 Oui
Apartment 2 200 475 Non




  • Narbonne Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Narbonne, the cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. It features impressive stained glass windows, intricate sculptures, and a beautiful rose garden.
  • Les Halles de Narbonne: This bustling indoor market in Narbonne offers a wide range of fresh local produce, seafood, cheese, and other regional specialties. It is a great place to experience the vibrant local food scene.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage site, this historic canal passes through Coursan. It offers picturesque walking and cycling paths along its banks, allowing visitors to enjoy the scenic views and tranquil atmosphere.
  • Abbey of Fontfroide: Situated in the countryside near Narbonne, this abbey is a stunning example of Cistercian architecture. The abbey grounds feature beautiful gardens and offer guided tours to explore its rich history.
  • Gruissan Beach: Located only a short drive from Coursan, Gruissan Beach is a popular destination for sunbathers and water sports enthusiasts. With its golden sands and crystal-clear waters, it offers a relaxing spot to soak up the Mediterranean sun.
  • Sigean African Reserve: This wildlife park is home to over 3,800 animals, including lions, giraffes, elephants, and rhinos. Visitors can explore the park on a safari tour and observe the animals in their natural habitats.
  • Château de Peyrepertuse: Perched on a rocky ridge in the Corbières mountains, this medieval fortress offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. It is a great place for history enthusiasts to explore and learn about the region's past.
  • Carcassonne: A short drive from Coursan, Carcassonne is a fortified city with a rich medieval history. It features an impressive castle, ancient city walls, and charming cobblestone streets lined with shops and restaurants.
  • Leucate: A coastal town known for its sandy beaches and strong winds, Leucate is a popular spot for windsurfing and kitesurfing. It also offers picturesque vineyards and seafood restaurants for visitors to enjoy. 10. Peyriac-de-Mer: A charming village nestled between a lagoon and vineyards, Peyriac-de-Mer offers scenic walks along its saltwater lake. Visitors can also explore the village's historic streets, art galleries, and enjoy the local cuisine.

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