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Wurtz Marie José
3 Rue Principale


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Price per night:

price from €60




Description for B&B:

This charming accommodation is comprised of a garden room with a comfortable double bed, a beautifully decorated bedroom showcasing 30 years of sewing craftsmanship, and a delightful music room featuring twin beds. It has been awarded 3 ears of Cham by Gîte de France, ensuring a high standard of quality and comfort.

Description for Gite

Experience the charm of the Home Orchard, a delightful 3-star accommodation in France that comfortably accommodates up to 5 guests across 2 well-appointed bathrooms. Immerse yourself in the cozy ambiance of this coastal retreat, known as the Home of the Coast, boasting 3-star accommodations for up to 6 individuals. With 3 spacious rooms, each featuring its own private bathroom, your stay promises to be both comfortable and memorable.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60 15
(3 pers.)
3 80 15
Holiday Home 6 380 420




  • Verdun Battlefield: Located about 20 kilometers from Watronville, the Verdun Battlefield is a major historical site that played a significant role during World War I. Visitors can explore the trenches, visit the Memorial Museum, and pay their respects at the Ossuary of Douaumont.
  • The Citadel of Verdun: Situated in the heart of Verdun, the Citadel is a fortified complex that dates back to the 17th century. It offers panoramic views of the city and houses various museums, including the Museum of Princerie and the World Center for Peace.
  • Douaumont Ossuary: This memorial is dedicated to the soldiers who lost their lives during the Battle of Verdun. Inside the ossuary, visitors can find the remains of over 130,000 unidentified soldiers. The site also features a museum that provides insight into the battle.
  • The Underground Citadel: Located in Verdun, the Underground Citadel is an extensive network of tunnels and galleries that served as a shelter for soldiers during World War I. Guided tours take visitors through the underground complex, providing a unique perspective on the war.
  • Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery: Situated near Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, approximately 30 kilometers from Watronville, this cemetery is the final resting place for over 14,000 American soldiers who fought in World War I. The site offers a serene and reflective atmosphere.
  • Fort Douaumont: One of the main forts during the Battle of Verdun, Fort Douaumont is now a historical site that allows visitors to explore its underground passages and learn about the events that took place during the war.
  • Museum of the Great War: Located in Meaux, around 200 kilometers from Watronville, this museum provides a comprehensive overview of World War I. It features a vast collection of artifacts, exhibits, and immersive displays that offer a deeper understanding of the conflict.
  • Saint-Mihiel Salient: Situated about 40 kilometers from Watronville, the Saint-Mihiel Salient was a strategic location during World War I. Visitors can explore the trenches, visit the American Monument, and learn about the battles that took place in the area.
  • The Charnel House of Douaumont: Adjacent to the Douaumont Ossuary, the Charnel House is a memorial chapel that contains the remains of soldiers who died during the Battle of Verdun. It serves as a place of remembrance and reflection. 10. Cathedral of Verdun: Located in the city of Verdun, the Cathedral is an impressive Gothic building with stunning stained glass windows and intricate architectural details. It is a symbol of the city's resilience and offers a peaceful retreat for visitors.

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