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Esmeralde De Graaff
12 Rue du Chateau
La Force


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Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

Coccinellles is a delightful bed and breakfast situated in the picturesque countryside of southern France, conveniently located near Carcassonne and only 60 km away from the vibrant city of Toulouse. The two bedrooms have been exquisitely decorated, ensuring a tasteful and comfortable stay. The region boasts rolling hills and abundant sunshine, creating a serene and idyllic atmosphere. Guests can enjoy a delightful breakfast each morning, served either in the vibrant and colorful kitchen or on the sunny terrace facing south. During the summer months, visitors can explore numerous charming antique markets, both big and small. Notably, the market in Mirepoix on Mondays is particularly extraordinary. With so much to offer, a stay at Coccinellles is an absolute must for those seeking a memorable and immersive experience in the region.


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Take the Bram A 61 exit and then follow the sign that says La Force.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65 130




  • Carcassonne Medieval City: Located approximately 30 kilometers away, Carcassonne Medieval City is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It features well-preserved medieval fortifications, impressive towers, and a charming old town with narrow streets, shops, and restaurants.
  • Canal du Midi: Situated about 40 kilometers from La Force, the Canal du Midi is another UNESCO World Heritage site. This historic canal stretches from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea and offers scenic views, peaceful walks, and the opportunity to rent a boat or take a leisurely cruise.
  • Château de Lastours: Located approximately 10 kilometers away, Château de Lastours is a set of four medieval castles perched on a rocky spur. These ruins offer stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and provide insight into the region's rich history.
  • Abbaye de Fontfroide: Situated about 50 kilometers from La Force, Abbaye de Fontfroide is a beautifully preserved Cistercian abbey. Visitors can explore the abbey's impressive architecture, tranquil gardens, and attend various cultural events held throughout the year.
  • Lac de la Cavayère: Located around 35 kilometers away, Lac de la Cavayère is a picturesque lake offering a range of outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, kayaking, paddleboarding, and hiking around the lake, as well as relax on its sandy beaches.
  • Limoux: Situated approximately 50 kilometers from La Force, Limoux is a charming town known for its sparkling wine and lively carnival celebrations. Visitors can explore its medieval streets, visit local wineries, and enjoy the festive atmosphere during the carnival season.
  • Cité de l'Espace: Located about 100 kilometers away in Toulouse, the Cité de l'Espace is a space-themed park and museum. It offers interactive exhibitions, planetarium shows, and a chance to learn about space exploration and the wonders of the universe.
  • Narbonne: Situated approximately 80 kilometers from La Force, Narbonne is an ancient Roman city with a rich history. Visitors can explore its archaeological sites, visit the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, and stroll through its lively market, Les Halles. These attractions offer a variety of experiences, from exploring medieval history and enjoying outdoor activities to immersing yourself in local culture and learning about space exploration.

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