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Bore Ghislaine
11 Rue des Capucins


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Price per night:

price from €68




Description for B&B:

We are currently seeking rooms with specific arrangements for our accommodation needs. We require two, three, or four bedrooms, preferably with a loft suite included. Our desired location is in PEIT RC.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 68
(3 pers.)
1 85
Notes: petite suite


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Château-Musée de Dieppe: Located just a short distance from Rue des Capucins, Château-Musée de Dieppe is a historic castle turned museum. It houses a diverse collection of art, artifacts, and exhibits that showcase the rich maritime history and culture of Dieppe.
  • Dieppe Beach: Situated along the English Channel, Dieppe Beach is a popular tourist spot. With its pebbled shoreline and beautiful views, it offers a great place for a leisurely stroll, sunbathing, or enjoying water activities like swimming and sailing.
  • Saint-Jacques Church: This beautiful 15th-century Gothic church is a must-visit attraction. Saint-Jacques Church features impressive stained glass windows, intricate stone carvings, and an ornate interior. Visitors can explore the church's rich history and admire its architectural beauty.
  • Memorial du 19 Août 1942: Commemorating the Dieppe Raid during World War II, this memorial pays tribute to the soldiers who lost their lives during the operation. It offers a moving insight into the events of that day through informative displays, photographs, and personal stories.
  • Musee de la Mer: Located near the harbor, Musee de la Mer is a maritime museum dedicated to the history and heritage of Dieppe's seafaring past. The museum showcases various exhibits, including models of ships, fishing tools, and artifacts related to navigation and exploration.
  • Le Pollet: A charming neighborhood in Dieppe, Le Pollet is known for its traditional fishing village atmosphere. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, admire the fishermen's cottages, and enjoy local seafood restaurants offering fresh catch from the sea.
  • Dieppe Saturday Market: Taking place every Saturday morning, the Dieppe Market is a vibrant hub of activity. Here, you can browse through stalls selling fresh produce, local delicacies, clothing, crafts, and more. It's a great place to experience the local culture and pick up some souvenirs.
  • Jardins Agapanthe: Situated a short drive from Dieppe, Jardins Agapanthe is a magnificent garden complex spread over four hectares. It features stunning landscaped gardens, unique plants, and architectural elements. Visitors can enjoy a peaceful stroll and admire the beauty of this horticultural masterpiece.
  • Casino de Dieppe: If you're feeling lucky or simply want to enjoy some entertainment, the Casino de Dieppe is worth a visit. Located near the beach, it offers a range of gaming options, restaurants, bars, and live performances, providing a lively atmosphere for an enjoyable evening. 10. The Cliffs of Dieppe: A short distance from the city center, the Cliffs of Dieppe provide breathtaking views of the coastline. Visitors can hike along the cliff paths, capturing panoramic vistas of the English Channel and the picturesque town below. It's a perfect spot for nature lovers and photographers.