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Lyliane et Christian Le Mouel
12 Rue du Mont Rixou



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

We welcome you to our charming quercynoise farmhouse, where you will experience the warm and inviting atmosphere of the past. Located near Cahors, in the delightful village of Hope, you can enjoy leisurely walks along well-maintained paths.

Our two spacious rooms have been completely renovated, offering you comfort, natural light, and a simple yet tasteful decor that beautifully combines wooden beams and stone walls. Situated on the upper floor of the barn, each room has its own private entrance, as well as a spacious bathroom and toilet.

Depending on the season, you will be awakened by the soothing sounds of cicadas or the gentle cooing of turtle doves. A delightful and varied breakfast, lovingly prepared by Lyliane, awaits you on the terrace overlooking the swimming pool or in our fully equipped and welcoming kitchen. If you prefer, Christian will be more than happy to recommend nearby restaurants.

Take time to relax, go for a swim, or explore the scenic trails shaded by typical lotoise region houses. Don't miss the opportunity to visit our local attractions, including the medieval city of Cahors, where you can immerse yourself in a vibrant cultural scene and enjoy a wide range of activities, all while indulging in the pleasures of fine dining.


Appréciations pour Les Granges Bleues, Espère:

Les Granges Bleues
Review by: Riguet, Mar 24 2011 10:10AM
Ce lieu calme et confortable ainsi que l'accueil chaleureux , disponible etspontané ont contribué à passer une très agréable semaine dans cette région lotoise. Ne changez-rien

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extra bed
Notes: the terrace
Notes: the terrace


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie: Located approximately 20 kilometers from Espère, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie is a picturesque medieval village perched on a cliff above the Lot River. It offers stunning views, narrow streets, and historic buildings, making it a popular destination for tourists.
  • Grotte du Pech-Merle: Situated around 15 kilometers from Espère, the Grotte du Pech-Merle is a prehistoric cave known for its remarkable cave paintings. Visitors can explore the underground chambers and admire the well-preserved artwork dating back thousands of years.
  • Cahors Cathedral: Situated in the city of Cahors, approximately 10 kilometers from Espère, Cahors Cathedral is a magnificent Romanesque-Gothic style cathedral. It features stunning stained glass windows, intricate sculptures, and a panoramic view from its bell tower.
  • Château de Cénevières: Located about 25 kilometers from Espère, the Château de Cénevières is a beautifully preserved medieval castle overlooking the Lot River. Visitors can explore the castle's furnished rooms, admire the architecture, and enjoy the scenic surroundings.
  • Pont Valentré: Situated in Cahors, Pont Valentré is a UNESCO World Heritage site and an iconic symbol of the city. This medieval fortified bridge features three towers and spans the Lot River, offering an impressive sight and an opportunity for a leisurely walk.
  • Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux: Located approximately 30 kilometers from Espère, the Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux is an imposing fortress with a rich history. Visitors can explore the castle's ramparts, towers, and courtyard while enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Musée de la Résistance: Situated in Cahors, the Musée de la Résistance is a museum dedicated to the French Resistance during World War II. It showcases artifacts, documents, and exhibitions that provide insights into this significant historical period.
  • Les Jardins Secrets de Cahors: Located about 10 kilometers from Espère, Les Jardins Secrets de Cahors is a beautiful garden retreat. It features diverse landscapes, including Japanese gardens, Mediterranean terraces, and a collection of rare plants, providing a tranquil and visually pleasing experience.
  • Château de Mercuès: Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Espère, the Château de Mercuès is a majestic castle surrounded by vineyards. Visitors can take guided tours of the castle, sample local wines, and enjoy the breathtaking views of the Lot Valley. 10. Pech Merle Vineyards: Located close to Espère, the Pech Merle Vineyards offer wine enthusiasts the opportunity to explore the vineyards, learn about winemaking techniques, and taste a variety of wines produced in the region. Please note that the distances mentioned are approximate and may vary based on the specific route taken.

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