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Annie Humbert
46, Route de Boutigny
Vayres S/Essonne


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Price per night:

price from €231






Description for B&B:

This accommodation offers three spacious double bedrooms, each equipped with its own private bathroom and W.C. Additionally, there is a cozy twin bedded room with its own private bathroom and W.C. Guests will also have access to a private park.


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Take Highway A6 and exit at Exit 11, which is Auvernaux. From there, head towards Milly la Forêt on the D948 road. After traveling 14 kilometers, continue towards La Ferté Alais on the D83 road. Finally, follow the D153 road towards Boutigny until you reach Vayres sur Essonne.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 231 231 15 oui
(3 pers.)
1 85 oui




  • Château de Vayres: Located in the town of Vayres S/Essonne, the Château de Vayres is a magnificent castle dating back to the 13th century. Its stunning architecture, beautiful gardens, and rich history make it a popular tourist attraction in the region.
  • Château de Fontainebleau: Situated in the nearby town of Fontainebleau, the Château de Fontainebleau is a grand palace that has been a residence for French monarchs from Louis VII to Napoleon III. It boasts impressive Renaissance and classical architecture, beautiful gardens, and an extensive art collection.
  • Forest of Fontainebleau: Adjacent to the Château de Fontainebleau, the Forest of Fontainebleau is a vast and picturesque woodland known for its unique sandstone boulders. It offers numerous hiking and biking trails, as well as rock climbing opportunities, making it a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Château de Courances: Located in Courances, a short distance from Vayres S/Essonne, the Château de Courances is renowned for its magnificent gardens and water features. Visitors can explore the formal French gardens, admire the beautiful canals and fountains, and enjoy a peaceful stroll in the surrounding parkland.
  • Milly-la-Forêt: A charming village situated near Vayres S/Essonne, Milly-la-Forêt is famous for being the former residence of the renowned French artist Jean Cocteau. Visitors can explore the village's picturesque streets, visit Cocteau's house-turned-museum, and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of this historic town.
  • Barbizon: Known as the birthplace of the Barbizon School of landscape painting, the village of Barbizon is located close to Vayres S/Essonne. Visitors can stroll through the village's quaint streets, visit art galleries, and appreciate the beautiful landscapes that inspired famous painters like Jean-Baptiste Corot and Théodore Rousseau.
  • Château de Blandy-les-Tours: Situated in Blandy-les-Tours, a short drive from Vayres S/Essonne, the Château de Blandy-les-Tours is a well-preserved medieval fortress. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the Middle Ages, with its imposing towers, fortified walls, and a charming village surrounding the castle.
  • Évry Cathedral: Located in the city of Évry, near Vayres S/Essonne, Évry Cathedral is a modern masterpiece of religious architecture. Designed by Swiss architect Mario Botta, this unique cathedral features a cylindrical shape and stunning stained glass windows, creating a serene and contemporary place of worship.
  • Domaine de Chamarande: Situated in Chamarande, a short distance from Vayres S/Essonne, Domaine de Chamarande is a vast estate encompassing a castle, gardens, and parkland. Visitors can explore the castle's art exhibitions, enjoy a leisurely walk in the landscaped gardens, and attend various cultural events held throughout the year. 10. La Ferté-Alais Airshow: If you're a fan of aviation, the annual La Ferté-Alais Airshow is a must-visit attraction near Vayres S/Essonne. Held at the Cerny-La Ferté-Alais aerodrome, this event showcases vintage aircraft, aerobatic displays, and thrilling aerial performances that will leave you in awe.

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