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Philippe Giral
17 Rue de La Jacatte
Le Buisson de Cadouin


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Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

There are five tastefully adorned rooms, each offering a private entrance for your convenience, ensuring a comfortable stay.


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You can reach your destination by either car, train (available in the village), or plane (via Bergerac, Brive, or Bordeaux).



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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: For 2 persons
(3 pers.)
1 75 95 oui
Notes: for 2/3 persons


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Cadouin: Located within walking distance of Rue de La Jacatte, Château de Cadouin is a stunning medieval fortress that offers guided tours of its remarkable architecture and historical significance.
  • Abbaye de Cadouin: Situated adjacent to the Château de Cadouin, Abbaye de Cadouin is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its beautiful Gothic architecture. Visitors can explore the abbey's intricate stone carvings and attend Gregorian chant performances.
  • Le Buisson-de-Cadouin Train Station: This small but charming train station is a great starting point for exploring the Dordogne region. Catch a train ride to nearby towns and villages, such as Sarlat-la-Canéda or Bergerac, to discover more of the area's cultural and natural attractions.
  • Jardins Panoramiques de Limeuil: Just a short drive from Le Buisson-de-Cadouin, these panoramic gardens offer breathtaking views of the Dordogne and Vézère rivers. Visitors can stroll through well-maintained flower beds, enjoy a picnic, and take in the picturesque scenery.
  • Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil: Located approximately 15 kilometers away, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil is a prehistoric town known as the "Capital of Prehistory." It houses the National Museum of Prehistory and several prehistoric caves, making it a fascinating destination for history and archaeology enthusiasts.
  • Sarlat-la-Canéda: Situated around 30 kilometers from Le Buisson-de-Cadouin, Sarlat-la-Canéda is a well-preserved medieval town. Its charming narrow streets, historic buildings, and bustling market make it a popular destination for tourists exploring the Dordogne region.
  • Château de Beynac: A short drive from Le Buisson-de-Cadouin, Château de Beynac is a magnificent fortress perched on a cliff overlooking the Dordogne River. With its rich history and stunning views, the castle offers visitors a glimpse into medieval life.
  • Bergerac: About 40 kilometers away, the town of Bergerac is renowned for its vineyards and wine production. Visitors can take wine tours, sample local wines, and explore the picturesque old town with its half-timbered houses and charming squares.
  • Grotte de Lascaux: Located approximately 50 kilometers from Le Buisson-de-Cadouin, Grotte de Lascaux is a complex of prehistoric caves known for its Paleolithic cave paintings. Although the original cave is closed to the public, an impressive replica, Lascaux IV, offers visitors an immersive experience of the ancient artwork. 10. Brantôme: Around 50 kilometers away, Brantôme is often referred to as the "Venice of the Périgord" due to its picturesque setting on the Dronne River. The town features a stunning abbey, charming streets, and opportunities for canoeing or kayaking in the surrounding natural landscape.

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