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Giltsoff Noemi
Route de Lunel


1 reviews

Price per week:

price from €700






Description for Gite

Nestled amidst a sprawling 50-hectare landscape, the Mas offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, catering to both families and corporate groups seeking respite in the exclusive setting of the Camargue. Our commitment to preserving the rich heritage of bygone eras is evident in the intricate tapestries, elegant flooring, and timeless furniture, seamlessly blending with contemporary comforts. With a history spanning over four centuries, the St. Remy Mas was originally a vineyard, now transformed into three charming cottages and a versatile meeting space.


Appréciations pour Mas de St. Remy, Aimargues:

10° dans le salon
Review by: Markey, Fev 13 2015 11:36AM
je viens de louer un gite pour 10 personnes et nous avons eu le "plaisir" d'être accueilli et de vivre tout le week-end dans un frigo ! Auun chauffage dans le salon, il y faisait 10°, les chambre c'était un peu mieux mais pas follichon (sauf 1 avec une clim). Nous avons donc vécu dans la cuisine autour de la cheminée, pour laquelle nous avons du acheter du bois car "la maison n'en fourni pas".... Le gite et le parc sont magnifiques, mais la froidure !!!
J'ai d'ailleurs contacté la propriétaire par rapport à ça, mais vu que mon chèque était encaissé, je n'ai eu aucune nouvelles !

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Experience the serene beauty of Mas de Saint-Remy, conveniently situated halfway between Nimes and Montpellier.

Getting to Mas de Saint-Remy is a breeze. It is located just 3 km from the A9 motorway, at the "Gallargues" exit, making it easily accessible from both Nimes and Montpellier. Additionally, it is only a 20-minute drive from the nearest train station and airport, providing convenient transportation options to major cities and various destinations in Europe.

Furthermore, Mas de Saint-Remy is perfectly positioned, being just a 20-minute drive from the stunning Mediterranean beaches. It is nestled between the breathtaking Massif des Cévennes and the enchanting Camargue in Saintes-Maries de la Mer.



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extra bed
Holiday Home 12 700 2500 NON


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Aigues-Mortes: Located just 9 kilometers away, Aigues-Mortes is a medieval walled town known for its well-preserved fortifications. Visitors can take a stroll along the ramparts, explore the charming streets, and admire the picturesque canals.
  • Pont du Gard: Situated approximately 45 kilometers from Aimargues, Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct bridge that spans the Gardon River. This UNESCO World Heritage site offers stunning views, walking trails, and a visitor center that provides insights into its history.
  • Nîmes: About 20 kilometers away, Nîmes is a city with a rich Roman heritage. The city boasts remarkable Roman ruins such as the Arena of Nîmes, Maison Carrée, and the Temple of Diana. Visitors can also enjoy the beautiful Jardins de la Fontaine and explore the charming medieval streets.
  • Camargue Regional Nature Park: Located just a short distance southwest of Aimargues, the Camargue Regional Nature Park is a unique natural area known for its vast wetlands, salt marshes, and wildlife. Visitors can spot flamingos, bulls, horses, and diverse bird species while enjoying activities like horseback riding and birdwatching.
  • Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer: Situated approximately 35 kilometers southwest of Aimargues, Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer is a picturesque coastal village in the Camargue region. It is famous for its beautiful sandy beaches, the ancient fortress church of Saintes-Maries, and its annual Gypsy Pilgrimage in May.
  • Arles: Located around 30 kilometers northeast of Aimargues, Arles is a historic city renowned for its Roman and Romanesque monuments. Notable attractions include the Arles Amphitheatre, Roman Theatre, and the Van Gogh Foundation. The city's charming streets and vibrant atmosphere make it a must-visit destination.
  • Montpellier: About 25 kilometers from Aimargues, Montpellier is a vibrant university city with a mix of medieval and modern architecture. The city offers numerous attractions, including the Place de la Comédie, Montpellier Cathedral, and the Fabre Museum. Enjoy the lively atmosphere, shopping, and dining options.
  • Les Baux-de-Provence: Situated around 70 kilometers southeast of Aimargues, Les Baux-de-Provence is a stunning hilltop village known for its dramatic setting and medieval charm. The village is home to the impressive Citadel and the Carrières de Lumières, where art exhibitions are projected onto the quarry walls.
  • Uzès: Located approximately 55 kilometers northeast of Aimargues, Uzès is a charming town with a well-preserved medieval center. Highlights include the Place aux Herbes, Uzès Cathedral, and the Duchy Castle. Uzès is also known for its Saturday market, offering a variety of local products. 10. Avignon: Situated about 70 kilometers northwest of Aimargues, Avignon is famous for its UNESCO-listed historic center, Palais des Papes (Papal Palace), and the iconic Pont Saint-Bénézet. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, visit art museums, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of this cultural city.

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