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Corinne et Joël Chambron
Quartier Distaise, 4860 Route de Loriol


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

The location of the area is perfect for exploring the vineyards in the north and south of the department. There are five different circuits available to discover the Drôme and Ardèche regions, including Vercors, Royans, Diois, Drôme, and Ardèche Gorges. For families with children, there are various attractions nearby such as a pony club, Garden Bird, Butterfly Farm, and Crocodile. We have plenty of ideas for those who want to explore the Drome and invite you to join us in experiencing the delicious flavors of locally picked fruits. You can also extend this experience by trying our juices, nectars, and jams, which showcase the flavors and quality of farm productions from fourteen farms that are available in our store. Come and witness the adorable piglets as they roam freely.

Description for Gite


Appréciations pour Domaine Distaise, Grane:

Review by: Josefa aus Saarwellingen, Nov 14 2015 8:16AM
Bereits zum 4.Mal konnte ich die Schönheit dieser Unterkunft und die Freundlichkeit der Besitzer Corinne und Joel geniessen.
Ein hervorragendes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis zeichnet die Distaise aus.
Ich war gekommen als Gast und bin gegangen als Freund.
Response from property:
Pour ceux qui ne parleraient pas allemands couramment,voici la traduction Deja pour la 4 éme fois j'ai pu jouir de la beauté de ce lieu et la gentillesse des Propriétaires : Joël et Corinne . Le Domaine Distaise se caractérise par un excellent rapport qualité-prix. Je suis arrivé comme hôte et reparti comme ami, merci " Corinne". et voici notre réponse : en allemand : Vielen Dank für Ihren freundlichen Botschaft und danke auch Eddy für die Übersetzung …..unsere Aktivität macht es möglich viele Freunde zu haben von manche Nationalitäten. en frabnçais : Merci beaucoup pour votre gentil message et merci à eddy de me l’avoir traduit … et oui notre activité nous permet effectivement de nous faire des vrais amis de toutes les nationalités Corinne
Une étape idyllique
Review by: Carole et Fabrice (Liège - Belgique), Aou 12 2015 1:01PM
Nous avons séjourné au domaine lors d'une étape vers le Var. Nous avons bénéficié de la suite familiale "les Buis", au calme, spacieuse, très propre, décorée et restaurée avec goût et permettant aux enfants d'avoir leur propre chambre. La literie était impeccable et nous a permis de passer une excellente nuit. Nos garçons ont apprécié le billard situé sur le palier de la chambre, ainsi que la magnifique piscine.
La gentillesse des hôtes et le côté très familial (toute la famille travaille ensemble) nous a séduits, tout comme la qualité du repas et du petit-déjeuner, préparés à partir des produits du domaine : la famille cultive ses abricots, pêches, nectarines et élève ses porcs de manière écologique et biologique.
Nous y retournerons l'an prochain, c'est certain !
Response from property:
Alors à l'année prochaine et excellente année 2015/2016 corinne et les trois garçons

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If you are arriving via the A7 motorway, take the Loriol exit. From there, follow the signs to Valencia. When you reach the roundabout with Intermarché and Mac Donald, continue in the direction of Grâne Crest (CD 104) after passing four sets of traffic lights. After approximately 2 kilometers, you will see signs for a farm shop and the Distaise area on your left. The farm is located 300 meters below.

If you are coming by car from Valencia or Montélimar, at the southern entrance of the village of Livron, take the direction of Grâne Crest (CD 104) at the roundabout with Intermarché and Mac Donald. After approximately 2 kilometers, follow the signs for the farm shop and Domain Distaise on your left. The farm is located 300 meters below.

If you are coming by car from Crest, head towards Grâne and Loriol (CD 104). Do not enter the village. At the roundabout, take the direction of Loriol. After 5 kilometers, turn right when you see signs for the farm shop and Domain Distaise. The farm is located 300 meters below.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 70 75 16 oui
(3 pers.)
1 95 100 oui


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Grâne: Located just a short distance from Quartier Distaise, this medieval fortress offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and gardens, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Situated in Hauterives, approximately 30 kilometers from Quartier Distaise, this unique and whimsical palace was built by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval. The structure is adorned with intricate sculptures and mosaics, creating a surreal and enchanting experience.
  • Valence: The city of Valence, located around 20 kilometers from Quartier Distaise, is known for its picturesque old town, charming squares, and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can explore the Cathedral of St. Apollinaris, stroll along the Rhône River, and enjoy the local cuisine in the city's numerous restaurants.
  • Pont-en-Royans: Situated approximately 40 kilometers from Quartier Distaise, Pont-en-Royans is a charming village known for its colorful houses and hanging gardens. The village is also famous for its suspended houses, which seem to defy gravity as they cling to the cliffs above the river.
  • Musée de la Chaussure: Located in Romans-sur-Isère, around 30 kilometers from Quartier Distaise, this museum showcases the history and craftsmanship of shoe-making in the region. Visitors can admire a vast collection of shoes, learn about the techniques used in their production, and discover the evolution of footwear throughout the centuries.
  • Palais des Bonbons et du Nougat: Situated in Montélimar, roughly 50 kilometers from Quartier Distaise, this museum and factory offers a sweet experience for visitors of all ages. Guests can learn about the production of nougat and other sugary treats, sample various confections, and even witness the candy-making process in action.
  • Gorges de l'Ardèche: Located around 70 kilometers from Quartier Distaise, the Gorges de l'Ardèche is a breathtaking natural attraction. Visitors can drive along the winding roads that offer stunning views of the deep canyons, hike along the riverbanks, or even embark on a thrilling canoeing or kayaking adventure.
  • Crest Tower: Situated in the town of Crest, approximately 15 kilometers from Quartier Distaise, this medieval tower is the highest dungeon in France. Climbing to the top of the tower rewards visitors with panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, including the Drôme River and the charming town below. These tourist attractions near Quartier Distaise offer a range of experiences, from exploring historical landmarks to immersing oneself in natural beauty and indulging in local delicacies.

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