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Anne-Marie Greiveldinger
31 rue Drogon


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Price per night:

price from €55





Description for B&B:

Description for Gite

'Tea, coffee, and water provided upon your arrival'


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To access from the A31 highway, take the Metz Centre exit.



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extra bed
Notes: no breakfast
Apartment 1
Holiday Home 1




  • Centre Pompidou-Metz: Located just a few steps away from rue Drogon, Centre Pompidou-Metz is a contemporary art museum known for its unique architecture. It features a rotating collection of modern and contemporary artworks.
  • Metz Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Metz): One of the most stunning Gothic cathedrals in France, Metz Cathedral is a must-visit attraction. It boasts beautiful stained glass windows, intricate sculptures, and a mesmerizing interior.
  • Porte des Allemands: This medieval gate is a historical landmark in Metz. Built in the 13th century, it offers a glimpse into the city's rich history. Visitors can explore the towers, walk along the ramparts, and enjoy the scenic views of the Moselle River.
  • Jardin Botanique de Metz: Situated near the city center, the Jardin Botanique is a tranquil oasis with a diverse collection of plants and flowers. It offers peaceful walking paths, greenhouses, and themed gardens, making it a perfect spot for nature lovers.
  • Musée de la Cour d'Or: Housed in a former palace, this museum showcases the history and art of Metz. From Roman artifacts to medieval sculptures and Renaissance paintings, the collection provides insights into the city's past.
  • Arènes de Metz: These ancient Roman ruins are a testament to Metz's Roman heritage. Visitors can wander through the remains of the amphitheater and imagine the gladiator fights and spectacles that once took place there.
  • Esplanade: Located near the city center, Esplanade is a spacious park ideal for leisurely walks or picnics. It offers beautiful views of the Moselle River and the surrounding cityscape, making it a popular spot for locals and tourists alike.
  • Temple Neuf: This Protestant church, situated on an island in the Moselle River, is an architectural gem. Its neo-Romanesque style and picturesque location make it a popular attraction in Metz.
  • Saint-Pierre-aux-Nonnains Basilica: Considered one of the oldest churches in France, this ancient basilica was originally built as a Roman gymnasium. It now serves as a cultural center and occasionally hosts concerts and exhibitions. 10. Metz-Plage: During the summer months, the Parc de la Seille transforms into a sandy beach paradise known as Metz-Plage. Visitors can relax on the beach, swim in the pool, or enjoy various water activities and events. These attractions near 31 rue Drogon in Metz offer a blend of history, culture, art, and natural beauty, ensuring a memorable visit to the city.