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price from €50




Description for B&B:

The cottage offers a breathtaking panoramic view, nestled amidst the serene beauty of nature, situated at an impressive altitude of 800m above sea level, and in close proximity to a preserved and protected area. The guest table at this exceptional accommodation comes highly praised by the esteemed backpacker's guide. With affiliations to Gîtes de France Home and Outdoor, this place provides theme trails for exploration, a well-stocked library, and comprehensive information on hiking adventures.


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To travel from Toulouse to "The County" isolated house near Ercé, follow these directions: Take the A64 highway towards Tarbes. Take exit 20 towards St Girons and continue towards Aulus les Bains. After reaching Aulus les Bains, turn left onto Cominac road at Ercé. Continue on this road for approximately 3.5 km until you reach "The County" house, which is located near a small road on the left.



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  • Château de Foix: Located in Foix, just a short drive from Cominac, the Château de Foix is a medieval castle that offers stunning views of the surrounding area. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, courtyards, and museums to learn about its rich history.
  • Niaux Cave: Situated near Tarascon-sur-Ariège, Niaux Cave is renowned for its prehistoric cave paintings. Guided tours take visitors deep into the cave, where they can admire the ancient artwork and learn about the lives of the people who created it.
  • Parc de la Préhistoire de Tarascon-sur-Ariège: This prehistoric park in Tarascon-sur-Ariège provides an immersive experience into the lives of our ancestors. Visitors can explore reconstructed prehistoric villages, watch demonstrations of ancient crafts, and learn about the region's archaeological discoveries.
  • Montségur Castle: Located in the village of Montségur, this castle is perched on a rocky hilltop and offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. It is famous for its association with the Cathars and the siege that took place here in the 13th century.
  • Les Forges de Pyrène: Situated in Montgaillard, Les Forges de Pyrène is an open-air museum dedicated to traditional crafts and trades. Visitors can witness demonstrations of blacksmithing, pottery, weaving, and other traditional skills while exploring the museum's exhibits.
  • Ariège Underground River: Located in Labouiche, this underground river provides a unique and fascinating experience for visitors. Guided boat tours take you through the underground network of caves, showcasing stunning rock formations and natural wonders.
  • Grotte de Niaux: Situated near Tarascon-sur-Ariège, Grotte de Niaux is another cave renowned for its prehistoric paintings. The guided tours take visitors through narrow passages to view the incredible artwork, providing a glimpse into the lives of early humans.
  • Maison des Loups: Located in Orlu, Maison des Loups is a wolf sanctuary that aims to educate visitors about these majestic creatures and their importance in the ecosystem. Visitors can observe wolves in a natural setting and learn about their behavior and conservation.
  • Lac de Montbel: Situated near Chalabre, Lac de Montbel is a picturesque lake surrounded by rolling hills and forests. It offers various recreational activities, including swimming, fishing, boating, and hiking trails, making it a popular spot for outdoor enthusiasts. 10. Pyrenees Ariégeoises Regional Natural Park: Covering a vast area of the Pyrenees mountains, this regional park offers stunning landscapes and diverse flora and fauna. Visitors can explore the park's hiking trails, take part in outdoor activities, and enjoy the tranquility of nature. These tourist attractions near Cominac provide a range of experiences, from exploring historical castles and caves to immersing oneself in the natural beauty of the Pyrenees region.

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