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Contact Details:


Anja Davies


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €815




Description for B&B:

Our accommodations offer ample space and utmost comfort in our two and three-bedded rooms. Each room is equipped with a shower bathroom and a WC for your convenience. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the surrounding environment, creating a truly picturesque setting.

Description for Gite

Experience the charm and character of our magnificent rustic Cider Farm Cottages. We offer a selection of five cottages/gîtes that can accommodate 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 10 people. Each cottage boasts a spacious and comfortable atmosphere, allowing you to relax and unwind while enjoying breathtaking views. Whether you are looking for a short break or a longer holiday, our Cider Farm Cottages are the perfect choice.


Appréciations pour La Boursaie - Cider Farm Cottages, Livarot:

Week end 15 août 2019
Review by: Breard , Aou 19 2019 3:05PM
Comme la première fois, acceuil très chaleureux, calme, repos dans un endroit magique.
Keizer notre chien en as tout profiter comme nous.
Vraiment, superbe week end, nous y reviendrons à nouveau.
Merci, merci, merci.
Week end 15 août 2019
Review by: Breard , Aou 18 2019 4:16PM
Toujours aussi magique.
Le cadre est superbe, calme, repos, tranquillité sont au rendez-vous.
Superbe séjour, comme la première fois.
Accueil très chaleureux et convivial.
À nouveau, nous reviendrons comme toujours en famille avec keizer notre chien.
Encore merci et a la prochaine.

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Take D579 towards Livarot. At the intersection, turn right onto D4. After traveling for 400 meters, make a left turn onto D38. Keep going straight through the town of Heurtevent. Approximately 300 meters after passing the crossroads, make a left turn. Continue on this road until you reach a sign, where you should turn right and enter the woods. Follow the lane downhill.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: meals possible
Notes: meals possible
Notes: meals possible
Notes: table d'hôte possible


Disabled Access


  • Château de Saint-Germain-de-Livet: Located in Lisieux, this picturesque medieval castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and offers a glimpse into the past with its well-preserved architecture and interiors.
  • Basilique Sainte-Thérèse de Lisieux: A renowned pilgrimage site, this impressive basilica is dedicated to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. Explore the stunning architecture and visit the crypt where her relics are kept.
  • Côte Fleurie Beaches: With popular seaside towns like Deauville and Trouville-sur-Mer, the Côte Fleurie offers sandy beaches, charming promenades, and a vibrant atmosphere. Enjoy sunbathing, water sports, or strolling along the boardwalks.
  • Cerza Safari Park: Located near Hermival-les-Vaux, this wildlife park covers over 60 hectares and is home to more than 2,000 animals from various continents. Take a safari tour or walk through the park to observe lions, giraffes, rhinos, and more.
  • Château de Vendeuvre: A unique attraction near Lisieux, this 18th-century castle is renowned for its remarkable collection of miniature furniture and delightful gardens. Explore the castle's elegant interiors and enjoy the beauty of its surroundings.
  • Calvados Experience: Situated in Pont-l'Évêque, this interactive museum offers an immersive journey through the history and production of Calvados, a famous apple brandy. Discover the distillation process, taste different varieties, and learn about local traditions.
  • Château de Crèvecoeur-en-Auge: Located in Crèvecoeur-en-Auge, this medieval fortress provides a fascinating glimpse into the past. Explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and furnished rooms, and learn about the daily life of its inhabitants during the Middle Ages.
  • Lisieux Cathedral: The stunning Lisieux Cathedral, also known as the Basilique-Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Lisieux, is a magnificent example of Gothic architecture. Admire its intricate stained glass windows, climb the bell tower for panoramic views, and visit the adjacent Bishop's Palace.
  • Pays d'Auge: Explore the charming countryside of the Pays d'Auge region, known for its picturesque villages, half-timbered houses, and lush green landscapes. Enjoy scenic drives, visit local farms to taste renowned cheeses like Camembert and Livarot, and discover the region's cider production. 10. Château de Canon: Situated in Mézidon-Canon, this beautiful 18th-century castle is surrounded by extensive gardens and parkland. Take a guided tour of the castle's interiors, stroll through the landscaped gardens, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the estate. Note: Please check the opening hours and availability of attractions before planning your visit as they might be subject to change or have specific visiting conditions.

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