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jean lanau
4 Rue des Pyrénées



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €80






Description for B&B:

Experience tranquility in our cozy rooms and dining area, complete with a charming fireplace.

For ultimate relaxation, take advantage of our summer swimming pool, heated indoor pool, sauna, tennis court, and ping-pong facilities.

Our rentals accommodate 1 to 4 persons, starting from $80 to $130 per night, which includes a delicious breakfast.

Choose from our 4 beautifully appointed bedrooms, including 2 double bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms and TVs. We also offer 2 family rooms, each with a 140-bed and two 90-beds, as well as a private shower, toilet, and television.

Additionally, we have an independent air-conditioned villa with 3 bedrooms, a living room, and a fully-equipped kitchen. This luxurious option is available at the price of $180 per night, excluding linen rental.


Appréciations pour Domaine de Hurlevent, Montgaillard-Lauragais:

passage d'aout
Review by: arnaudo, Oct 7 2012 9:41PM
notre passage ,au domaine de hurlevent a été riche en échange et convivialité! de charmants propriétaires qui ont le sens de l’hospitalité!attentifs et peuvent répondre à un oubli (prêt d'un sèche cheveux)
la chambre de bonne tenue ,donnée sur les champs, un havre de paix nous y reviendrons avec plaisir! marléne et patrick

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To reach Toulouse from Villefranche de Lauragais, take the A61 exit and continue for 3 km in the direction of Toulouse on the N113.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 80 80 oui
(3 pers.)
2 130 130 oui
Notes: Without Breakfast and laundary


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Canal du Midi - Located approximately 5 kilometers from Montgaillard-Lauragais, the Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This historic canal offers picturesque views, charming towpaths, and the opportunity to rent a boat or take a leisurely stroll along the water.
  • Carcassonne - Situated about 30 kilometers from Montgaillard-Lauragais, Carcassonne is a fortified city with a rich medieval history. The impressive Carcassonne Castle, double-walled fortifications, and narrow cobblestone streets make it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts.
  • Toulouse - Located approximately 35 kilometers from Montgaillard-Lauragais, Toulouse is a vibrant city known for its pink-hued architecture and lively atmosphere. Visitors can explore the historic city center, admire the beautiful Basilica of Saint-Sernin, and enjoy the bustling markets and delicious cuisine.
  • Saint-Papoul Abbey - Situated around 20 kilometers from Montgaillard-Lauragais, Saint-Papoul Abbey is a stunning Romanesque abbey that dates back to the 8th century. Visitors can admire its intricate architecture, explore the cloister, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Castelnaudary - Located approximately 15 kilometers from Montgaillard-Lauragais, Castelnaudary is known as the birthplace of cassoulet, a traditional French dish. Visitors can savor this hearty meal, explore the charming town center, and visit the Grand Bassin, a picturesque canal basin.
  • Revel - Situated about 25 kilometers from Montgaillard-Lauragais, Revel is a quaint town famous for its vibrant Saturday morning market. Visitors can wander through the market stalls, admire the beautiful half-timbered houses, and visit the Museum of Wood and Marquetry.
  • Lac de Saint-Ferréol - Located approximately 20 kilometers from Montgaillard-Lauragais, Lac de Saint-Ferréol is a scenic lake surrounded by lush forests. Visitors can enjoy various water activities such as swimming, sailing, and kayaking, or simply relax on the sandy beach.
  • Château de Pennautier - Situated about 15 kilometers from Montgaillard-Lauragais, Château de Pennautier is an elegant 17th-century castle surrounded by vineyards. Visitors can take a guided tour of the castle, stroll through the beautiful gardens, and sample the estate's wines. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences and are easily accessible from Montgaillard-Lauragais, providing ample opportunities for exploration and enjoyment.

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