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Le Lampy Neuf


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price from €50




Description for B&B:

Welcome to the enchanting "Domaine of Lampy", where Claude Anne BOUDET takes great pleasure in hosting you. Inside their grand mansion, you will be warmly welcomed by the family and surrounded by a natural charm. The expansive grounds boast a picturesque park filled with ancient, towering trees and diverse plant life. Step inside the house and be transported to a world of timeless elegance, with spacious rooms at your disposal. This unique environment is also steeped in history, including its association with the Cathare countryland, a sanctuary for persecuted Christians during the inquisition of the Catholic Church. Additionally, the Black Mountain holds significance as a key location for the French Resistance during World War 2. For outdoor enthusiasts, there are ample opportunities for hiking, biking, swimming, and basking in the glorious sunshine. Don't miss the chance to visit the local "Arboretum" and explore the "Fables de Jean de la Fontaine" (for those fluent in French). At the Domaine of Lampy, you will experience a truly magical getaway, shared by a family with an open mind and a passion for sharing their extraordinary heritage.


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1 50 X
(3 pers.)
2 65 X


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  • Château de Saissac: Located in the village of Saissac, this medieval castle offers a glimpse into the region's rich history. Visitors can explore the well-preserved ruins, climb the tower for panoramic views, and learn about the castle's role in the Cathar period.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Canal du Midi is a 17th-century engineering marvel that stretches from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea. Visitors can take boat trips or stroll along the canal's tree-lined paths, enjoying the peaceful ambiance and picturesque scenery.
  • Carcassonne: Situated just a short drive from Saissac, Carcassonne is a fortified city that transports visitors back in time. Its medieval citadel, La Cité, is a must-visit attraction with its impressive ramparts, narrow streets, and historic buildings. The city also offers charming shops, restaurants, and museums.
  • Lastours Castles: A cluster of four castles located atop a rocky ridge near Lastours, these fortresses offer panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Dating back to the Cathar period, these ruins provide a fascinating glimpse into the region's turbulent past.
  • Lac de Saint-Ferréol: This scenic lake, located near Revel, offers a tranquil setting for outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, picnicking, and boating in the clear waters, or explore the surrounding trails and forests for hiking and biking.
  • Montolieu: Known as the "Village of Books," Montolieu is a charming town with numerous bookshops, art galleries, and workshops. Visitors can browse through a vast collection of new and used books, appreciate local artwork, and enjoy the town's picturesque streets and cafes.
  • Fontfroide Abbey: Situated in the Corbières wine region, Fontfroide Abbey is a beautifully preserved Cistercian monastery. Visitors can explore the abbey's impressive architecture, peaceful gardens, and learn about the monks' way of life through guided tours and exhibitions.
  • Gouffre géant de Cabrespine: Located near the village of Cabrespine, this enormous underground cave system is a geological wonder. Visitors can take a guided tour through the vast chambers, marvel at the impressive stalactite formations, and learn about the cave's history.
  • Toulouse: As the fourth-largest city in France, Toulouse offers a vibrant mix of history, culture, and modern amenities. Highlights include the picturesque Old Town, the iconic Basilica of Saint-Sernin, the impressive Capitole de Toulouse, and numerous museums and art galleries. 10. Cathar Castles: Saissac is conveniently located near several Cathar castles, such as the Château de Peyrepertuse and Château de Quéribus. These dramatic ruins are perched on rocky outcrops, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes and a glimpse into the region's medieval history.

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