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Chantal & Bertrand Bouvarel
Lieu dit La Fréjade


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Price per night:

price from €110






Description for B&B:

Our residence boasts a harmonious fusion of natural plasters that accentuate the genuine charm of the exposed girders and raw flooring. The inviting ambiance is further enhanced by the enveloping warmth emanating from our wood pellet stoves. Within our abode, you will discover three delightful guest rooms, including two elegant suites and a spacious room, as well as a distinctive cottage radiating with character.

Description for Gite

Cottage for 4 to 6 individuals (86 m2) featuring a private entrance and a secluded terrace (25 m2) within a serene setting.
One bedroom (9 m2) equipped with a comfortable 140 x 200 cm bed and a spacious wardrobe.
Expansive living area measuring 51 m2, including a fully equipped kitchen, a cozy living room with two sofa beds, a comfortable chair, and a wood pellet stove providing a constant and delightful ambiance.


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To reach Fréjade from Toulouse via Highway A68 (Toulouse - Albi), take exit 8 and follow the signs for Fréjade for approximately 4 kilometers. You can also enter the coordinates for Fréjade on your GPS device.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 110 130 25 Oui
Holiday Home 1 630 1000


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


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