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Mme Le Gall
15 Rue Saint Hernin



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Price per night:

price from €55




Description for B&B:

The Pivoine room on the first floor is designed for two people and features a 140-sized bed, a cupboard closet, bedside tables, and a cozy corner living room with a coffee table, settee, chairs, and pedestal tables. The room also has a private bathroom that includes a wash-hand basin, a bathtub, and a WC.

On the ground floor, the Myosotis room is perfect for two people and offers two beds that can be transformed into a single 160-sized bed. The room is furnished with bedside tables, a pedestal table, and a wall cupboard closet. The room also has a private bathroom with a wash-hand basin, a shower balneo, and a WC.

Both rooms are strictly non-smoking. For breakfast, you can enjoy a delicious meal in the beautiful green and flowered garden or in the dining room, which is adorned with marine colors, depending on the weather and your preference. Please note that smoking is not allowed in any of our rooms.


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extra bed
Notes: Myosotis 55 €/nuit




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  • La Gacilly (26.9 km): A charming village famous for its annual outdoor photography festival. Stroll through the picturesque streets, visit the Yves Rocher Botanical Garden, and indulge in the local cuisine.
  • Branféré Animal Park (28.5 km): A unique animal park offering close encounters with various species. Enjoy educational shows, explore the vast parkland, and learn about conservation efforts.
  • Gulf of Morbihan Natural Regional Park (30.1 km): A stunning coastal area known for its scenic beauty and diverse wildlife. Take a boat tour to explore the numerous islands, go hiking, or simply relax on the beaches.
  • Vannes (30.4 km): A historic city with well-preserved medieval walls and a charming old town. Visit the Cathedral of Vannes, stroll along the port, and explore the vibrant markets and shops.
  • Carnac (47.6 km): Famous for its ancient megalithic sites, Carnac boasts rows of standing stones dating back thousands of years. Take a guided tour to learn about the mysteries and significance of these impressive monuments.
  • Quiberon Peninsula (48.8 km): A popular seaside destination with beautiful beaches, rugged cliffs, and a lively atmosphere. Enjoy water sports, visit the historic fort, and savor fresh seafood in the local restaurants.
  • Josselin Castle (49.6 km): Located in the town of Josselin, this medieval castle offers guided tours where you can admire its stunning architecture, visit the Doll and Toy Museum, and explore the charming town. 10. La Roche-Bernard (53.7 km): A picturesque village situated on the banks of the Vilaine River. Wander through the narrow streets, admire the half-timbered houses, and enjoy the panoramic views from the nearby cliffs. These attractions provide a diverse range of experiences, from historical sites to natural wonders, allowing you to explore the beautiful region surrounding Pluherlin, France.

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