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Contact Details:


Alina Cahen
51 Rue Lorraine


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Price per night:

price from €64






Description for B&B:

Our bed and breakfast is situated in a delightful little village enveloped by breathtaking forests, making it the perfect destination for those who enjoy walking and cycling. Only 30 minutes away from Metz, our 18th-century house offers two uniquely decorated rooms that showcase our artistic personalities.


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If you are traveling from Paris on motorway A4, please follow these revised directions:
1. Take exit number 37 in Argancy towards Metz.
2. At the roundabout in Malroy, continue towards Chieulles and Vany.
3. Once you reach D3, continue in the direction of Bouzonville.
4. Stay on this road and after traveling 3 km past Gondreville, make a right turn towards Burtoncourt.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 64 64 13 oui
(3 pers.)
1 77 77 oui




  • Metz Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Metz, this stunning Gothic cathedral is an architectural masterpiece. It features intricate stained glass windows, a stunning astronomical clock, and beautiful sculptures. The cathedral is a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Centre Pompidou-Metz: A contemporary art museum located in Metz, this branch of the famous Pompidou Center in Paris showcases a diverse collection of modern and contemporary artworks. The museum building itself is an architectural marvel, with its unique roof structure and design.
  • Amnéville Zoo: Situated in the town of Amnéville, this zoo is one of the largest and most renowned in France. It houses over 2,000 animals, including rare and exotic species from around the world. Visitors can explore various themed areas and enjoy educational shows and exhibits.
  • Schengen Museum: Located in the village of Schengen, this museum is dedicated to the Schengen Agreement, which led to the creation of the European Union's border-free Schengen Area. Visitors can learn about European integration, the history of the agreement, and its significance in shaping Europe's modern-day borders.
  • Walygator Parc: A popular amusement park situated in Maizières-lès-Metz, Walygator Parc offers a wide range of thrilling rides, including roller coasters, water slides, and family-friendly attractions. The park also features live shows, entertainment, and various dining options.
  • Château de Malbrouck: Located in Manderen, this impressive 15th-century fortress is known as the "Versailles of Lorraine." Visitors can explore the castle's well-preserved ramparts, towers, and courtyards while enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. The castle also hosts various exhibitions and events throughout the year.
  • Thermes d'Amnéville: Situated in Amnéville, these thermal baths offer a rejuvenating and relaxing experience. The complex includes a variety of pools, saunas, steam rooms, and wellness facilities. Visitors can indulge in spa treatments, massages, and other therapeutic activities.
  • Jardin des Tanneurs: A picturesque garden located in Metz, the Jardin des Tanneurs offers a tranquil retreat from the bustling city. The park features beautifully landscaped green spaces, flowerbeds, and a charming pond. It's an ideal spot for a leisurely stroll or a picnic.
  • Musée de la Cour d'Or: Situated in Metz, this museum showcases the rich history and culture of the region. It houses an extensive collection of archaeological artifacts, fine arts, and decorative arts. Visitors can explore exhibits that span from ancient times to the present day. 10. Château de Malbrouck: Nestled in the town of Manderen, this imposing castle dates back to the 15th century. It offers guided tours that provide insight into its rich history and architectural features. The castle is surrounded by a lush green park, making it a perfect destination for an outdoor excursion.