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Arnaud Devlieghere
Chemin des Grandes Terres



2 reviews

Price per week:

price from €700






Description for B&B:

Description for Gite

Welcome to our stunning property located at the foot of Luberon, overlooking the Durance River and the Golf of Pont Royal. Spanning over 6000 m2, the entire property is enclosed and adorned with beautiful Mediterranean vegetation, including olive trees, cypresses, vines, bay-trees, and lavenders.

Your accommodation, a spacious 100 m2 cottage, can comfortably accommodate 5 to 7 people. It features a bright living room with a private spa offering soothing 37° water, a large area for living and dining, complete with a fully equipped kitchen, a cozy sofa bed, and a charming fireplace. The cottage also includes a bedroom with a double bed, another room with three single beds, and a bathroom. Outside, you can relax on the delightful shaded terrace, covered by vines cascading over a pergola. Access to the property is secured with a gate for your peace of mind.

The cottage is equipped with a range of modern amenities to ensure your stay is unforgettable. These include a private 5-person spa, a flat-panel TV with DVD/DivX player, an MP3 Hi-Fi system, a dishwasher, an oven and microwave, a washer and dryer, internet access, comfortable deckchairs, ambient multicolored lighting, and baby equipment upon request. We also provide all necessary linens and towels for your convenience.

During your stay, our dedicated team is here to assist you with personalized services. We offer a wealth of tourist, cultural, and gastronomical information, along with tourist maps and a GPS device. Additionally, we have a magnificent 11*6-meter swimming pool on the premises, enclosed and beautifully arranged for your enjoyment.

Experience the enchanting beauty of Luberon, Provence, in the South of France, just a short distance from the French Riviera. Book your holiday home with us today.


Appréciations pour La Bastide des Grandes Terres, Mérindol:

Excellentes vacances dans un charmant gîte
Review by: Dominique, Jan 31 2014 8:34PM
Nous avons été pleinement enchantés par ce magnifique gîte situé au calme au pied du petit Lubéron. A l'intérieur, le gîte est très joliment décoré, son agencement est fonctionnel avec toutes les commodités qu'une famille avec enfants peut apprécier (lave-vaisselle, lave-linge, grand frigo, four et micro-ondes, chaise pour bébé, etc...). A l'extérieur, notre enfant de 14 mois a découvert avec enthousiasme les deux grands trampolines et les différentes balançoires. Il s'est donné à coeur joie à gambader dans l'immense gazon bordé de jolies haies. Nous avons pu profiter de la piscine qui est très soigneusement entretenue et maintenue à bonne température par les propriétaires. Le soir, nous avons pu nous détendre dans le grand jacuzzi au milieu de la belle véranda. Ayant initialement prévu d'y séjourner une semaine, nous avons par deux fois prolongé notre séjour, tellement que nous nous y sentions bien! Nous pouvons donc que vous recommander ce lieu magnifique! De plus, nous garderons un excellent souvenir des propriétaires, Arnaud et Dorothée ainsi que de leurs trois charmantes filles. Leur accueil chaleureux, leur serviabilité indéfectible, leur discrétion bien dosée ont tout simplement sublimé nos vacances. Dominique, Véronique et Arthur
We'll come back next year !
Review by: Joki, Sep 2 2012 2:48PM
Very charming Chalet located on great, fenced site with well cared garden full of flowers. Our small children (two <4 years) loved to freely run around, use the playground and the trampolines. With the fenced swimming pool, the parents could keep cool and lazy when the kids had real good fun. Very nice landlord family that lives in the main building on the site. We really liked it and will definitely come back one day.

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The destination is a mere 10-minute drive away from exit A7 Sénas.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 2 175 175 700 1650


Swimming Pool


  • Luberon Regional Nature Park: Located nearby, the Luberon Regional Nature Park is a stunning area known for its picturesque landscapes, including charming hilltop villages, lavender fields, and vineyards. It offers numerous hiking trails, cycling routes, and opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore the area's beauty.
  • Château de Lourmarin: Situated in the village of Lourmarin, this Renaissance castle is a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can explore its beautifully preserved interior, including the castle's rooms, art gallery, and library. The castle also hosts various cultural events and exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque: Located in the picturesque valley near Gordes, this 12th-century Cistercian abbey is a remarkable sight. Its stunning architecture, surrounded by lavender fields, makes it a popular destination for photographers and nature lovers. Guided tours are available to learn about the abbey's history and monastic life.
  • Village des Bories: Situated near Gordes, this unique village showcases traditional dry stone huts known as "bories." These ancient structures were built without any mortar and are a testament to the region's rural heritage. Visitors can explore the village, witness the construction techniques, and learn about the lifestyle of the past.
  • Château de Lacoste: This historic castle, located in the village of Lacoste, offers panoramic views of the Luberon Valley. Once owned by the infamous Marquis de Sade, the castle now hosts art exhibitions, concerts, and events. It also includes the ruins of the Marquis' residence, providing a glimpse into his controversial life.
  • Village of Roussillon: Renowned for its vibrant ochre cliffs and picturesque streets, Roussillon is a must-visit village. Stroll through its narrow lanes lined with colorful houses, art galleries, and craft shops. The Sentier des Ocres, a scenic trail through the ochre rocks, offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Pont Julien: This well-preserved ancient Roman bridge is located near Bonnieux. Built in the 1st century BC, it spans the Calavon River and was once part of the Via Domitia, a major Roman road. Visitors can walk across the bridge, appreciating its architectural beauty and historical significance.
  • Village of Gordes: Perched on a hilltop, Gordes is one of the most beautiful villages in France. Its medieval architecture, cobbled streets, and stunning views make it a favorite among tourists. Explore the village's castle, churches, and charming squares while enjoying the local restaurants and boutiques.
  • Domaine de la Citadelle: Situated in the heart of the Luberon, this renowned winery offers wine enthusiasts the opportunity to taste and learn about regional wines. Visitors can take guided tours of the vineyards, cellar, and museum, followed by a wine tasting session to appreciate the flavors of the Luberon wines. 10. Village of Bonnieux: Located on a hillside, the village of Bonnieux offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Explore its narrow streets, ancient churches, and traditional houses. The village also hosts a popular weekly market, where visitors can sample local products and experience the vibrant atmosphere. These attractions near Chemin des Grandes Terres, Mérindol, provide an array of cultural, natural, and historical experiences that showcase the beauty and charm of the region.

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