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David Asquith
7 Route Du Hameau Flaux
Amfreville, Manche


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Price per night:

price from €95



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Description for B&B:

Welcome to La Vieille Ferme d'Amfreville B&B, conveniently located near the heart of D-Day in Saint Mere Eglise. Our charming bed and breakfast is just a short drive away from the historic Normandy landing beaches. As the owners, David and Alyson, we are dedicated to ensuring that your stay with us is comfortable and memorable, allowing you to fully enjoy all that Normandy has to offer.

Nestled amidst the picturesque Norman countryside, La Vielle Ferme d'Amfreville offers a truly relaxing getaway. Our rooms are thoughtfully designed with comfortable beds, luxurious linens, and fluffy towels and bathrobes. We provide handmade soaps and serve a delicious traditional French breakfast featuring local and homemade products, including freshly made waffles from our iron.

During your stay, you can unwind in our lovely courtyard, which boasts several seating areas perfect for enjoying a book on a sunny afternoon. Alternatively, you can cozy up in front of our fire pit with a cup of hot chocolate before bed.

Rest assured that our house is equipped with central heating to ensure your comfort throughout the year. In the winter months, you can cozy up by the log burners in our living room and dining room while savoring a hot drink. During the summer, open your windows and wake up to the soothing sounds of the abundant bird life that shares our farm.

At La Vieille Ferme d'Amfreville B&B, we strive to provide you with a delightful and unforgettable experience. Come and experience the beauty of Normandy while enjoying all the amenities our bed and breakfast has to offer.


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The bed and breakfast (B&B) can be found only 4 km away from Saint Mere Eglise along the D15 road, which leads from Saint Mere Eglise to Picauville. To reach Saint Mere Eglise, you will see clear signs along the N13 main road, which connects either Cherbourg or Caen ferry ports.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: breakfast included
Notes: This room can accommodate 2 adults and a child up to the age of 10 years old




  • Utah Beach Museum: Located just a short distance from Amfreville, the Utah Beach Museum is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. It commemorates the D-Day landings of World War II and provides an in-depth understanding of the events that took place on Utah Beach.
  • Sainte-Mère-Église: This small town holds great historical significance as it was the first town to be liberated by American troops during the D-Day invasion. Visitors can explore the Airborne Museum and the iconic church where a paratrooper famously got caught on its steeple during the battle.
  • Cité de la Mer: Situated in Cherbourg, about 30 kilometers from Amfreville, Cité de la Mer is a fascinating maritime museum. It features exhibits on ocean exploration, underwater technology, and the history of the Titanic. One of its highlights is the opportunity to explore a decommissioned nuclear submarine.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: A UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of France's most iconic landmarks, Mont Saint-Michel is a medieval abbey perched on a rocky island. Visiting this enchanting place offers breathtaking views, picturesque streets, and a glimpse into the architectural marvels of the Middle Ages.
  • Bayeux Tapestry: Located in the town of Bayeux, the Bayeux Tapestry is a remarkable embroidered cloth that depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England. It is an essential historical artifact and provides valuable insights into the medieval era.
  • Omaha Beach: Another significant D-Day landing site, Omaha Beach offers a poignant experience for history buffs and anyone seeking to pay tribute to the fallen soldiers. The beach features memorials, bunkers, and a tranquil atmosphere that invites contemplation.
  • Château de Pirou: Situated near the village of Pirou, this medieval castle dates back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore its well-preserved towers, ramparts, and courtyards, as well as enjoy the surrounding picturesque landscape.
  • Pointe du Hoc: A crucial strategic point during the D-Day invasion, Pointe du Hoc is a cliff with German bunkers and artillery positions. It offers a remarkable viewpoint of the Normandy coastline and serves as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made during the war.
  • Juno Beach Centre: Located in Courseulles-sur-Mer, the Juno Beach Centre is a museum dedicated to the Canadian involvement in the D-Day landings. Interactive exhibits, personal stories, and artifacts provide insight into the experiences of the soldiers who fought on Juno Beach. 10. D-Day Experience: Situated in Saint-Côme-du-Mont, the D-Day Experience offers an immersive journey into the events of the Normandy landings. Visitors can explore original vehicles, walk through reconstructed trenches, and gain a deeper understanding of the soldiers' lives during the war. These attractions near Amfreville provide a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences for tourists to enjoy.

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