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M. Cordier
38 Avenue de Verdun


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Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

Eric and Christine extend a warm welcome to guests throughout the year at their charming old farmhouse nestled in the picturesque green heart of Périgord. Offering breathtaking views of the village of Thiviers, this tranquil and refreshing location provides a perfect retreat while being conveniently close to all amenities. Situated just under 500 meters from the town center, a mere 150 meters from the municipal swimming pool, and less than 2 kilometers from a serene lake, you will have everything you need for a delightful stay. The comfortable and spacious accommodations consist of two rooms, both featuring independent access and magnificent vistas of Thiviers. Should you desire, breakfast can also be provided. Additionally, there is a cottage available that can comfortably accommodate 4-5 people. With a friendly and welcoming atmosphere guaranteed, we look forward to seeing you soon!


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Thiviers can be found on the RN21, which is located between Périgueux and Limoges. It is approximately 40 km south of Périgueux and 60 km north of Limoges.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65 75
(3 pers.)
1 90 20
Holiday Home 1 550 550




  • Château de Jumilhac: Located about 10 kilometers from Thiviers, the Château de Jumilhac is a stunning medieval castle dating back to the 13th century. It offers guided tours, beautiful gardens, and hosts various cultural events throughout the year.
  • Grotte de Villars: Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Thiviers, the Grotte de Villars is a magnificent cave system known for its impressive stalactite formations. Visitors can take guided tours and explore the underground wonders while learning about the cave's history.
  • Brantôme Abbey: Located around 25 kilometers from Thiviers, Brantôme Abbey is a picturesque Benedictine abbey dating back to the 8th century. The abbey features charming gardens, a bell tower, and is famous for its unique location on an island in the middle of the Dronne River.
  • Château de Bourdeilles: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Thiviers, the Château de Bourdeilles is a historic castle complex with both medieval and Renaissance architecture. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, dungeons, and admire the scenic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Grotte de Tourtoirac: Located about 35 kilometers from Thiviers, the Grotte de Tourtoirac is a remarkable limestone cave known for its stunning geological formations and prehistoric drawings. Guided tours provide visitors with an immersive experience in this underground wonder.
  • Périgueux: Situated approximately 40 kilometers from Thiviers, Périgueux is the capital city of the Dordogne department. It offers a rich historical heritage, including the Périgueux Cathedral, Gallo-Roman ruins, and a charming medieval old town with narrow streets and quaint shops.
  • Château de Hautefort: Located around 45 kilometers from Thiviers, the Château de Hautefort is an elegant Renaissance castle surrounded by lush gardens and a French-style park. Visitors can explore the castle's opulent interior and take in the panoramic views from its terraces.
  • Lascaux IV - International Center for Cave Art: Situated approximately 55 kilometers from Thiviers, the Lascaux IV is a remarkable site that replicates the famous prehistoric cave art of Lascaux. Visitors can immerse themselves in the Paleolithic era through interactive displays and high-quality replicas.
  • Sarlat-la-Canéda: Located about 60 kilometers from Thiviers, Sarlat-la-Canéda is a well-preserved medieval town renowned for its charming cobblestone streets, half-timbered houses, and a bustling market. It is a popular destination for history enthusiasts and food lovers alike. 10. Rocamadour: Situated approximately 100 kilometers from Thiviers, Rocamadour is a breathtaking cliffside village and a major pilgrimage site. It features a medieval castle, religious sanctuaries, and offers stunning views of the Alzou Valley.

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