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2 Impasse du Porche


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price from €95






Description for B&B:

We have a spacious Family Suite available, consisting of two rooms, a bathroom, and a private terrace, perfect for accommodating up to five individuals. This suite spans over an area of 100 square meters. Additionally, we offer an Arcade Family room, featuring two rooms and a private bathroom, suitable for groups ranging from two to five people.


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To reach Montpellier city and airport, it will take approximately 35 minutes via road D 936. If you are coming from Nimes City, the journey will take around 50 minutes. If you are driving on the A75 highway, it will take about 1 hour to reach your destination, exiting at exit number 48.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 95 115 25 OUI




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  • Pont du Diable: Situated in the nearby town of Saint-Jean-de-Fos, the Pont du Diable is a medieval bridge spanning the Hérault River. Known for its impressive architecture and picturesque setting, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is perfect for a scenic stroll.
  • Cirque de Navacelles: A natural wonder located in the Cévennes National Park, the Cirque de Navacelles is a breathtaking valley formed by the Vis River. Visitors can enjoy hiking, exploring the village of Navacelles, and marveling at the stunning views from the surrounding viewpoints.
  • Mont Aigoual: Standing at 1,567 meters, Mont Aigoual is the highest peak in the Cévennes mountain range. The summit offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes and is accessible by car or on foot. A weather observatory and museum are also present, providing insights into meteorology and the mountain's unique ecosystem.
  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert: A medieval village nestled in the Hérault Valley, Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert is renowned for its well-preserved architecture and historic charm. The Abbey of Gellone, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a must-visit attraction in this picturesque village.
  • Pic Saint-Loup: This imposing mountain peak offers stunning hiking trails and scenic viewpoints. Located in the heart of the Pic Saint-Loup appellation, visitors can also explore local vineyards and enjoy wine tasting experiences.
  • Château de Flaugergues: Situated in Montpellier, the Château de Flaugergues is a splendid 18th-century estate surrounded by beautiful gardens and vineyards. Visitors can tour the castle, admire the art collections, and enjoy wine tasting sessions in a charming setting.
  • La Serre Amazonienne: Located within the Montpellier Zoological Park, La Serre Amazonienne is a tropical greenhouse showcasing a variety of exotic plants and animals from the Amazon rainforest. Visitors can experience a unique immersion into the diverse ecosystem of this fascinating region.
  • Musée Fabre: Situated in Montpellier, the Musée Fabre is one of the largest fine arts museums in France. With an extensive collection spanning various periods, including works by renowned artists like Delacroix, Courbet, and Picasso, the museum offers a rich cultural experience. 10. Le Vieux Montpellier: The historic center of Montpellier, known as "Le Vieux Montpellier," is a charming neighborhood filled with narrow medieval streets, beautiful squares, and stunning architecture. Visitors can explore the Place de la Comédie, Saint-Pierre Cathedral, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of this lively district.

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