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456 Chemin du Glacis


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €120






Description for B&B:

The villa is conveniently located just a 15-minute walk away from downtown and the beaches. Alternatively, you can reach these destinations within 5 minutes by car, and there is plenty of free parking available. The garden features serene areas of lush lawn, providing a tranquil setting with picturesque views of the oyster beds of Bouzigues.


Appréciations pour L'Escarpée Belle, Sete:

3 nuits 18/21.09.2022
Review by: GIRAUD, Oct 8 2022 1:47PM
Un grand merci à Françoise et son mari pour leur accueil et gentillesse, de très bons conseils pour la visite de Sète.Grande chambre avec une très belle terrasse et vue magnifique sur l'étang de Thau. Petits déjeuners très copieux.
A recommander sans hésitation.

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Getting there is a breeze: Simply head towards the summit of Mont Saint Clair (well-marked signs can be found all over the city) and follow the White Pierrre path that leads down to the Chateau Vert district. After approximately 400 meters, you'll come across a right turn that is clearly marked as an impasse. Continue along the track for another 400 meters (it's a constant downhill) until you reach 456.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: pour deux personnes
Notes: pour deux personnes


Animals Allowed


  • Mont Saint-Clair: Located in the heart of Sete, Mont Saint-Clair offers breathtaking panoramic views of the town, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Etang de Thau. It is a popular spot for hiking and picnicking.
  • Sete's Old Town: Sete's historic old town is a charming area filled with narrow streets, colorful buildings, and lively squares. Visitors can explore local shops, cafes, and restaurants while immersing themselves in the town's vibrant atmosphere.
  • Canal Royal: Sete is known for its extensive canal network, and the Canal Royal is one of the main highlights. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll along the canal banks, take a boat tour, or dine in one of the many waterside restaurants.
  • Theatre de la Mer: This open-air amphitheater is nestled along the coastline of Sete and offers stunning views of the sea. It hosts various cultural events, including concerts, theater performances, and festivals, making it a popular attraction for locals and tourists alike.
  • Espace Georges Brassens: Dedicated to the renowned French singer-songwriter, Georges Brassens, this museum showcases his life and work through exhibits, photos, and personal belongings. Visitors can learn about the artist's legacy and appreciate his contributions to French music.
  • Museum Paul Valery: Situated in a beautiful villa overlooking the sea, the Museum Paul Valery is a cultural hub in Sete. It houses a collection of artworks, manuscripts, and personal items related to the famous poet, Paul Valery, as well as rotating exhibitions of contemporary art.
  • Thau Lagoon: Just a short distance from Sete, the Thau Lagoon is a large saltwater lake famous for its oyster and mussel farms. Visitors can take a boat trip to explore the lagoon, learn about the local aquaculture industry, and sample fresh seafood.
  • La Corniche: Known as the "Little Naples" of Sete, La Corniche is a picturesque neighborhood characterized by its colorful fishermen's houses and lively atmosphere. It offers beautiful views of the harbor and is a great place to savor fresh seafood in waterfront restaurants.
  • Saint-Louis Pier: Located at the entrance of the port, Saint-Louis Pier is a popular spot for a leisurely stroll or to enjoy a beautiful sunset. It offers a unique perspective of the town, the harbor, and the Mediterranean Sea. 10. Sete Beaches: Sete boasts several beautiful sandy beaches, such as Plage de la Corniche, Plage de la Baleine, and Plage des Quilles. Visitors can relax, swim, sunbathe, or indulge in various water sports while enjoying the Mediterranean climate. These attractions near 456 Chemin du Glacis, Sete, France, offer a diverse range of experiences, from cultural and historical sites to natural beauty and recreational activities.

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