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Wim Dezitter
12, Rue Des Pâquerettes


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price from €65





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1 65 65 10
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1 65 85 12


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  • Abbaye de Fontdouce: Located about 7 km south of Migré, Abbaye de Fontdouce is a well-preserved medieval abbey known for its beautiful architecture and tranquil surroundings. Visitors can explore the abbey's church, cloister, and gardens, and learn about its rich history.
  • Château de Crazannes: Situated approximately 14 km north of Migré, Château de Crazannes is a magnificent castle known as the "Castle of the Seven Towers." This medieval fortress offers guided tours that take visitors through its impressive towers, dungeons, and picturesque gardens.
  • Le Château des Enigmes: Located around 25 km northwest of Migré, Le Château des Enigmes is a fun-filled amusement park suitable for families. The park features a medieval-themed treasure hunt where visitors solve riddles and clues to uncover hidden treasures within the castle's grounds.
  • Zoo de la Palmyre: Situated about 40 km southwest of Migré, Zoo de la Palmyre is one of the most renowned zoos in France. Home to over 1,600 animals from around the world, this zoo offers a fantastic opportunity to observe and learn about various wildlife species in a beautiful setting.
  • Fort Louvois: Located approximately 50 km south of Migré, Fort Louvois is an impressive 17th-century fort built on a tiny island in the Atlantic Ocean. Visitors can access the fort by a causeway during low tide and explore its underground passages, cannons, and panoramic views of the surrounding coastline.
  • La Rochelle: Situated around 55 km northwest of Migré, La Rochelle is a charming coastal city known for its historic port, beautiful beaches, and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can explore the picturesque Old Town, visit the famous towers guarding the harbor, or enjoy a stroll along the lively promenade.
  • Île de Ré: Located just off the coast from La Rochelle, Île de Ré is a stunning island renowned for its sandy beaches, charming villages, and bicycle-friendly paths. Visitors can relax on the beaches, explore the island's traditional villages, or indulge in delicious local seafood.
  • Cognac: Situated approximately 70 km northeast of Migré, Cognac is famous for its production of the renowned French brandy. Visitors can tour the historic cognac houses, learn about the distillation process, and even sample some of the finest cognac varieties.
  • Saintes: Located around 30 km southeast of Migré, Saintes is a historic town with Roman origins. The town boasts impressive Roman ruins, including an amphitheater and an ancient arch, as well as a beautiful cathedral and charming streets lined with shops and cafes. 10. Rochefort: Situated approximately 60 km southwest of Migré, Rochefort is a fascinating maritime town known for its shipbuilding heritage. Visitors can explore the Corderie Royale, a former naval rope factory, visit the historic frigate Hermione, or relax in the town's thermal baths.

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