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Pacaud Didier


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Price per night:

price from €73






Description for B&B:

There are four rooms available, and each room comes with its own bathroom or shower. The rooms are equipped with medical facilities, and there is a spacious southern terrace with plenty of sunlight. Additionally, each room is equipped with a refrigerator and a television. The living room area offers ample space for relaxation. Furthermore, there are two rooms with mezzanine, providing additional sleeping or storage space.

Description for Gite

These cottages are perfect for groups of 4-6 people. They are duplexes with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and toilets. The first bedroom features a comfortable 160 bed, while the second bedroom has 2 bunk beds, and the third bedroom has 2 single beds. The cottages are equipped with modern amenities like an induction hob, dishwasher, and fridge in the kitchen. They are newly built and offer a beautiful view of a small garden, complete with a gazebo and barbecue, facing the scenic south valley. Enjoy the tranquility of the surroundings and also have access to a pool.


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To get to Montélimar, take the A7 highway and exit at the southern Montélimar exit. From there, head towards Nyons and continue towards Gap with Rosans. After passing through the village, you will find the destination on the right side, approximately 1 km away.

If you are coming from Marseille, take the A51 highway and exit at the northern Sisteron exit. Continue towards Laragne and Greenhouses, then turn left towards Rosans. After driving for 23 km, following the signs for "the Sunny one," you will reach your destination, which is located past Moydans.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 73 73 oui
(3 pers.)
1 88 88 oui
Holiday Home 1 650 650


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Rosans Castle: Located in the heart of the village, Rosans Castle is a medieval fortress dating back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore its well-preserved ruins and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Vauban Citadel of Sisteron: Situated in Sisteron, a historic town about 30 kilometers away, the Vauban Citadel is a remarkable 17th-century military fortress. It offers guided tours, showcasing its impressive architecture and providing insights into the region's military history.
  • Gorges de la Méouge: A picturesque natural site located around 15 kilometers from Rosans, the Gorges de la Méouge is a stunning river canyon. Visitors can hike along its trails, swim in its crystal-clear waters, or simply relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
  • Sisteron Old Town: Explore the charming narrow streets and medieval buildings of Sisteron's Old Town. The area is known for its quaint shops, cafes, and historic landmarks, such as the Cathedral of Notre-Dame and the Tower of the Bishop.
  • Serre-Ponçon Lake: Located approximately 60 kilometers from Rosans, Serre-Ponçon Lake is one of the largest artificial lakes in Europe. It offers a variety of water activities, including swimming, boating, and windsurfing, as well as beautiful beaches and hiking trails.
  • Mont Ventoux: A famous mountain in the region, Mont Ventoux attracts many cycling enthusiasts due to its challenging climbs and scenic routes. It is also a popular spot for hiking and offers breathtaking views from its summit.
  • Die Cathedral: Situated in the town of Die, about 50 kilometers away, Die Cathedral is a magnificent Gothic-style church. Known for its intricate stained glass windows and impressive architecture, it is a must-visit for history and architecture lovers.
  • Citadelle de Mont-Dauphin: Located around 70 kilometers from Rosans, the Citadelle de Mont-Dauphin is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This fortified town was built by Louis XIV's military architect, Vauban, and offers guided tours to discover its rich history and unique architectural features.
  • Rémuzat: A charming village nestled in the Drôme Provençale region, Rémuzat is known for its picturesque streets, traditional stone houses, and stunning views of the surrounding mountains. It is also home to a vulture sanctuary, where visitors can observe these majestic birds up close. 10. Les Grottes de Choranche: Located approximately 80 kilometers away, Les Grottes de Choranche is a network of stunning limestone caves. Guided tours take visitors through magnificent chambers adorned with impressive stalactites and stalagmites. These attractions offer a diverse range of historical, natural, and cultural experiences near L'Ensoleillée, Rosans, ensuring there is something for every tourist to enjoy.