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Olivier Arnaud


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €387






Description for B&B:

This description is for a 20m² room that can accommodate 2 persons and offers disabled access.

Description for Gite

Escape from the bustling roads and immerse yourself in the serene ambiance of a medieval structure. Embracing a sleek and modern aesthetic, this beautifully designed abode offers optimal comfort, ensuring a delightful experience amidst the tranquil embrace of the surrounding nature.


Appréciations pour Domaine de Maleval, Mars:

Domaine de Maleval
Review by: LIOU-CHOBERT, Juin 2 2020 6:30AM
Trop peu de lignes pour décrire non seulement un accueil exceptionnel par des personnes de très grandes qualités humaines Et relationnelles, dans un cadre idyllique..nous venons pour la 4 ême fois et comptons bien revenir. Dépaysement complet, le site est magnifique, les dîners toujours différents et délicieux (merci Yasmina) ...
Olivier et Yasmina ont un don daccueil rare ! Et les chambres +++superbes, confortables et surprenantes
On recommande
Merci encore
Review by: Lurienne, Aou 5 2017 8:57AM
Accueil très chaleureux par les hôtes, belle bâtisse entourée d'arbres très calme,les chambres très propres,et un petit déjeuner très copieux. J'aimerais y retourner et louer une yourte avec petits enfants
très bon week-end
Review by: Sylvie Berthier, Aou 30 2014 9:05PM
venue en compagnie de ma fille son mari et mes petits enfants, pour un mariage, nous sommes restés 2 nuits, vraiment parfait, des hôtes vraiment accueillants, très joli endroit et très belle bâtisse, la décoration très sympa également, j'y retournerais avec plaisir.

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From Saint-Agrève, take the D15 road and travel for 4 kilometers towards the Puy. After passing the junction towards the Chambon, you will find a path on your left. Look for the panel indicating the Maleval area and turn left onto this path. Keep an eye out for the castle Flossac, which can be seen a short distance ahead.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: French breakfast
Notes: French breakfast


Disabled Access


  • Gorges de l'Ardèche: Located about 30 minutes away from Flossac, the Gorges de l'Ardèche is a stunning natural attraction. It features a deep canyon carved by the Ardèche River, offering breathtaking views, hiking trails, and opportunities for water activities like kayaking and swimming.
  • Pont d'Arc: Situated within the Gorges de l'Ardèche, the Pont d'Arc is a natural bridge that spans across the river. It is a popular spot for photography and a starting point for canoe trips through the gorge. The bridge is an impressive geological formation and a must-see landmark in the area.
  • Cave Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc: Just a short distance from Flossac, the Cave Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It houses some of the oldest known prehistoric cave paintings, dating back over 30,000 years. Although the original cave is not open to the public, a replica named "Chauvet 2" offers a unique and immersive experience.
  • Aven d'Orgnac: Located approximately 40 minutes away, Aven d'Orgnac is a fascinating cave system and an important geological site. Visitors can explore its large underground chambers, admire stunning stalagmites and stalactites, and learn about the region's geological history through interactive exhibits.
  • Balazuc: Situated on the banks of the Ardèche River, Balazuc is a charming medieval village. Its narrow streets, stone houses, and stunning views make it a picturesque destination. Visitors can explore the village's historical sites, such as the medieval castle ruins, and enjoy the tranquil ambiance of this quaint French village.
  • Village of Vogue: Just a short drive from Flossac, the village of Vogue is known for its medieval castle perched on a hilltop. The castle offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can wander through the village's narrow streets, admire the traditional stone houses, and enjoy a leisurely stroll along the river.
  • Les Vans: Located about 30 minutes away, Les Vans is a lively town with a vibrant market square and a rich history. The town offers a variety of shops, cafes, and restaurants. Visitors can explore the medieval streets, visit the local museum, or simply soak up the atmosphere of this bustling Ardèche town.
  • Plateau de Montselgues: Nestled in the mountains near Flossac, the Plateau de Montselgues is a beautiful natural area ideal for hiking and outdoor activities. It offers scenic trails, panoramic viewpoints, and a peaceful atmosphere. Nature lovers will appreciate the diverse flora and fauna found in this serene setting. These attractions near Flossac, France, offer a mix of natural beauty, historical sites, and cultural experiences, making them great options for tourists to explore and enjoy.

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