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Marie-france Guilchet


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Appréciations pour Alcove Et Agapes - Kerauder, Langonnet:

Review by: Philippe MERIEN , Juil 2 2022 11:03AM
Endroit de tout repos ou l'on peut se retrouver. Marie France est exceptionnelle...

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1 65 70 20


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  • Pontivy Castle: Located in the nearby town of Pontivy, this medieval castle is a must-visit attraction. Explore the historic fortress, admire its impressive architecture, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Abbaye Notre-Dame de Langonnet: Situated in Langonnet itself, this beautiful abbey dates back to the 12th century. Admire its Gothic style architecture, stroll through the peaceful gardens, and discover the rich history and spiritual significance of the site.
  • Lac de Guerlédan: A picturesque lake located just a short drive from Kerauder, the Lac de Guerlédan offers a range of outdoor activities. Enjoy swimming, kayaking, hiking, or simply relax on one of its sandy beaches while soaking in the stunning natural surroundings.
  • Josselin Castle: Situated in the charming town of Josselin, this medieval castle is a true gem. Explore its well-preserved interiors, discover the intricate woodwork, and learn about the fascinating history of the Rohan family, who still reside in part of the castle.
  • Quimper: A historic city known for its beautiful architecture and vibrant culture, Quimper is located approximately 50 kilometers from Kerauder. Visit the stunning Quimper Cathedral, wander through the old town's narrow streets, and explore its museums and art galleries.
  • Carnac Megaliths: Located around 80 kilometers from Kerauder, the Carnac Megaliths are a must-see for history enthusiasts. This ancient site features thousands of standing stones arranged in rows, believed to have been erected between 4500 and 3300 BCE.
  • Concarneau: A charming coastal town known for its walled city and picturesque harbor, Concarneau is approximately 60 kilometers from Kerauder. Explore the medieval Ville Close, visit the Fishing Museum, and enjoy delicious seafood at one of the town's many restaurants.
  • Quiberon Peninsula: Situated around 70 kilometers from Kerauder, the Quiberon Peninsula is a popular beach destination. Enjoy beautiful sandy beaches, scenic coastal walks, and water sports activities such as surfing and sailing.
  • Vannes: Located approximately 70 kilometers from Kerauder, Vannes is a historic city with well-preserved medieval fortifications. Explore its charming old town, visit the impressive Vannes Cathedral, and take a stroll along the picturesque harbor. 10. Locronan: A picturesque village known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, Locronan is around 90 kilometers from Kerauder. Take a leisurely walk through its cobbled streets, visit the Church of Saint Ronan, and soak in the village's unique atmosphere.

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