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Jean-philippe Saunal


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €105





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Description for B&B:

We provide modern and comfortable guest rooms in an 18th century mansion, along with breakfast facilities. We warmly welcome guests for a night or two during the weekends. However, please note that our availability during weekdays is limited. Kindly reach out to us for further information and reservations.

Description for Gite

Unfortunately, we do not typically offer a Table d'Hôtes (meal) service at our B&B. However, if you are facing difficulties finding meals or would like to get to know us better, we are happy to provide an evening meal in our dining room on weekends, with dishes and specialties from the Cantal area, at a reasonable price based on the number of guests. Please make sure to inform us in advance.

Our B&B rooms are equipped with private bathrooms or shower rooms. We have the following room options available:
- "Mansard" Bedroom: Located under the attic in a charming Mansard style, this room features one double bed and one single bed. It is our most popular room and is often booked first.
- "Victoria" Bedroom: This bright and spacious room comes with one double bed.
- Bedroom with a Small Pink Candy Box: This room, adorned with a charming pink theme, has one double bed. It is only available in exceptional cases and as an additional room to another booking.

Please note that we have a friendly dog and two cats on the premises. We can accommodate one or two animals in a short-term closed grazing area (such as a horse or pony), but please contact us for other situations.

For information on availability and pricing, including breakfast or without, please contact us with details about the desired room, dates, number of guests, and duration of stay. Prices range from 105 to 150, depending on the factors mentioned. Please be aware that during the summer months of July and August, our rates are adjusted for high season.

Kindly note that we are not available during the AURILLAC International Street Theater Week.


Appréciations pour Chambres D'hôtes du Chateau de Noalhac - Aurillac, Aurillac:

Un coin de Paradis
Review by: Omar, Juil 24 2023 9:35AM
Un endroit magnifique pour se reposé et découvrir des beaux paysages...un accueil chaleureux par les propriétaires et qui sont d une gentillesse exceptionnelle. Nos enfants ont appréciés les animaux présents sur la propriété et ils ont passé un moment inoubliables. Je recommande vivement cette endroit sans hésitations. En tout cas nous on garde précieusement cette adresse. Merci encore aux gentils propriétaires.
Response from property:
Merci de ce gentil commentaire. Vous serez bienvenu lorsque vous reviendrez ? mi chemin de votre destination comme la derni?re fois.
Maison magnifique
Review by: Maria Simeon, Mai 12 2021 1:14PM
Maison au calme au milieu de la nature.
Nous avons très très bien dormi dans la chambre qui est confortable.
Response from property:
Merci du commentaire, Vous serez bienvenue si vous revenez.
Review by: Philippe LUKACS, Oct 20 2020 7:26AM
le lieu est hors du commun. l'accueil est exceptionnel. les hôtes sont plus que des hôtes. Si vous souhaitez vivee un moment magique, venez. "Mérite un grand détour"
Response from property:
Bonjour, Merci pour ce beau commentaire mais quand nos hôtes sont eux aussi exceptionnels, on ne peut que vouloir se dépasser. Vous revenez quand vous voulez et espérons vous revoir bientôt. Nous vous attendons avec impatience.

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To reach the Gite or the B&B, start by heading towards the center of AURILLAC. Look for road signs indicating Puy Mary Vallée de Jordanne, Saint Simon, or camping Ombrade. Either one will work. Once you have found the road sign, continue in the direction of the mountains. You will need to pass the entrance of camping de l'Ombrade and follow the road alongside the river. Keep going until you reach the end of Aurillac city, where you will see a road sign. On your left, there is a small river fall. Take the road on your right and start climbing the hill. It is only 200m away, and you will see a sign indicating NOALHAC. Once you see the sign, enter the park and you will have arrived. We look forward to seeing you soon.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Breakfast included and in all cases Visitor's tax not included
Notes: Tariff for 2 persons - additional person 45€ Child free Breakfast included an in all cases Visitor's tax not included


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Chateau de Pesteils: Located in Polminhac, just outside Aurillac, this medieval castle is a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can explore the well-preserved castle, admire its architectural beauty, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Aurillac Cathedral: Situated in the heart of Aurillac, this stunning Gothic cathedral is a must-visit. Built in the 13th century, it features intricate stained glass windows, ornate sculptures, and a peaceful atmosphere perfect for reflection.
  • Museum of Art and Archaeology of Aurillac: This museum offers a fascinating collection of art and archaeological artifacts. Visitors can explore exhibits showcasing paintings, sculptures, ceramics, and archaeological findings, providing insights into the rich cultural history of the region.
  • Le Lioran Ski Resort: Located approximately 20 kilometers from Noalhac, Le Lioran is a popular ski resort during the winter months. With a variety of slopes suitable for all levels, visitors can enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities while surrounded by stunning mountain views.
  • Puy Mary: As part of the Massif Central mountain range, Puy Mary is a volcanic peak offering breathtaking natural beauty. Hiking enthusiasts will love exploring the trails, while photographers will appreciate the panoramic vistas that can be captured from the summit.
  • Les Orgues d'Ille-sur-Têt: Although located a bit further away, Les Orgues d'Ille-sur-Têt is worth the visit. These unique rock formations, resembling organ pipes, have been sculpted by erosion over thousands of years. Visitors can take a walk through the site and witness the impressive natural formations.
  • Chateau d'Anjony: Situated in Tournemire, a short distance from Aurillac, this medieval fortress is a picturesque sight. Built in the 15th century, the castle boasts a beautiful facade and gardens, offering visitors a glimpse into the region's medieval history.
  • Festival International de Théâtre de Rue d'Aurillac: If you happen to visit during August, don't miss the renowned International Street Theatre Festival in Aurillac. This vibrant event attracts performers from around the world who transform the streets into stages, providing a lively and entertaining atmosphere. These attractions near Noalhac and Aurillac offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical and cultural sites to natural wonders and thrilling events.

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