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Madame Navarro
470 Traverse Pavardian


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price from €320




Description for Gite

This serene country house features a spacious studio measuring 35 m². Nestled away from the hustle and bustle, yet conveniently located just 5 minutes away from local shops. Guests are welcome to enjoy the communal pool, which is free of charge and shared with the owners. The outdoor space is complete with garden furniture and a barbecue, perfect for unwinding and dining al fresco. Additionally, for families with little ones, a cot or child's bed can be provided upon request. Rest assured, sheets will be provided to ensure a comfortable stay.


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Holiday Home 1 320 380


Swimming Pool


  • Pernes-Les-Fontaines: Located right in the same town as your address, Pernes-Les-Fontaines is known for its numerous historic fountains. Take a leisurely stroll through the charming streets and discover more than 40 beautifully preserved fountains, each with its own unique design and history.
  • Château de Saumane: Situated approximately 8 kilometers northwest of Pernes-Les-Fontaines, the Château de Saumane is a stunning medieval castle surrounded by picturesque landscapes. Explore the castle's towers, courtyards, and gardens while enjoying panoramic views of the Luberon Valley.
  • Gordes: Just a short drive of around 10 kilometers east of Pernes-Les-Fontaines, you will find the enchanting hilltop village of Gordes. This village is famous for its well-preserved stone houses and its remarkable position overlooking the Luberon Valley. Explore the narrow streets, visit the 12th-century castle, and admire the breathtaking views.
  • Fontaine-de-Vaucluse: Situated approximately 15 kilometers northeast of Pernes-Les-Fontaines, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse is a charming village nestled at the foot of a cliff. The main attraction here is the mysterious spring that gives the village its name. Explore the crystal-clear waters and visit the captivating Musée-Bibliothèque, which showcases the history and culture of the region.
  • Avignon: Located about 25 kilometers west of Pernes-Les-Fontaines, Avignon is a historic city famous for its papal palace and medieval architecture. Visit the Palais des Papes, walk along the ancient city walls, and explore the charming streets filled with shops, cafés, and restaurants. Don't miss the famous Pont Saint-Bénézet, also known as the Pont d'Avignon.
  • Isle-sur-la-Sorgue: Situated approximately 18 kilometers north of Pernes-Les-Fontaines, Isle-sur-la-Sorgue is often referred to as the "Venise Comtadine" due to its numerous canals and waterwheels. The town is famous for its antique shops, charming boutiques, and a bustling Sunday market that attracts visitors from near and far.
  • Mont Ventoux: Located about 45 kilometers northeast of Pernes-Les-Fontaines, Mont Ventoux is a prominent mountain known for its challenging cycling routes and stunning panoramic views from its summit. Whether you are a cycling enthusiast or simply enjoy outdoor activities, a visit to Mont Ventoux offers a unique experience and breathtaking natural beauty.
  • Carpentras: Situated approximately 10 kilometers northwest of Pernes-Les-Fontaines, Carpentras is a historic town with a rich heritage. Explore the old town, visit the 14th-century Gothic cathedral, and discover the vibrant market where you can find local specialties such as strawberries, truffles, and delicious wines. These tourist attractions near your address in Pernes-Les-Fontaines offer a variety of experiences, from exploring historic towns and castles to enjoying natural beauty and local culture.