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Marc Tournier
1 Rue du Chateau


5 reviews

Price per night:

price from €45




Description for B&B:

There are three rooms available for accommodation. The first room is small and ideal for one or two individuals. The other two rooms are larger and can comfortably accommodate two adults along with their children. Additionally, each room is equipped with its own WC and shower facilities.


Appréciations pour Château de Roncourt, Roncourt:

nuit au chateau
Review by: JOJO, Mai 20 2022 12:46PM
tout était super le propriétaire parfait le repas la chambre mieux que je l 'espérais
week end au château
Review by: colette et armand kessler juillet 2017, Sep 3 2016 9:26AM
nous avons passé un excellent week end, très bon acceuil, bonne table, literie et propreté très bien un parc magnifique et tranquille! bravo les garçons ne changez rien! nous reviendrons avec beaucoup de plaisir
week end au château
Review by: colette et armand kessler juillet 2017, Sep 3 2016 9:26AM
nous avons passé un excellent week end, très bon acceuil, bonne table, literie et propreté très bien un parc magnifique et tranquille! bravo les garçons ne changez rien! nous reviendrons avec beaucoup de plaisir
Review by: martine, Mai 30 2014 9:24PM
cadre parfait, chambres décorées avec goût, accueil parfait, petit dejeuner super
Une halte parfaite, à proximité de l'autoroute sur le trajet de vacances
chateau de Roncourt dans les Vosqges
Review by: roselyne Antony-Debré, Mai 24 2012 2:38PM
magnifique chambre d'hote, meublée et decorée avec beaucoup de goût. Il y avait longtemps que je n'avais pas aussi bien dormi car il n'y a aucun bruit et la literie est vraiment bonne. Bravo pour les propriétaires !

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Take exit number 9 on the A31 motorway, located between Nancy and Dijon. Follow the signs for Neufchateau, then continue towards Malaincourt. Once in Malaincourt, head towards Roncourt.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 45 45 225 225 Oui
(3 pers.)
3 60 70 300 350 Oui


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Lunéville: Located in Lunéville, this stunning castle is known as the "Versailles of Lorraine." It features beautiful gardens, exquisite interiors, and hosts various events and exhibitions.
  • Basilique Saint-Pierre-Fourier: Situated in nearby Mattaincourt, this basilica is dedicated to Saint Peter Fourier, a prominent figure in the Catholic Church. It showcases stunning architecture and intricate stained glass windows.
  • Musée de l'Image d'Épinal: Located in Épinal, this museum is dedicated to the art of images and prints. It houses a vast collection of historical prints, including famous images from the 19th-century French "Images d'Épinal."
  • Parc Animalier de Sainte-Croix: Situated in Rhodes, this wildlife park offers visitors a chance to observe various animals in a natural environment. From wolves and bears to flamingos and otters, it provides an educational and enjoyable experience.
  • Place Stanislas: Found in Nancy, this UNESCO World Heritage site is a magnificent square designed in the 18th century. It features beautiful architecture, intricate ironwork, and is surrounded by stunning buildings, including the City Hall and the Opéra-Théâtre.
  • Musée de la Cour d'Or: Located in Metz, this museum showcases the history and heritage of the city and the region of Lorraine. It houses archaeological artifacts, fine art collections, and exhibits that explore the area's cultural evolution.
  • Centre Pompidou-Metz: Situated in Metz, this contemporary art museum is an architectural marvel. It hosts various temporary exhibitions featuring modern and contemporary art from around the world.
  • Fort de Bourlémont: Found in Mont-lès-Neufchâteau, this 19th-century fortress offers guided tours to explore its underground passages, casemates, and defense systems. It provides a fascinating insight into military history.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nancy: Located in Nancy, this museum houses an extensive collection of fine art, including works by famous artists such as Monet, Rodin, and Delacroix. It also features decorative arts and contemporary art exhibitions. 10. Parc de Gérardmer: Situated in Gérardmer, this picturesque park surrounds a beautiful lake and offers numerous outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy hiking, boating, picnicking, or simply relaxing amidst stunning natural surroundings.