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place des anciens combattants


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price from €52





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Description for Gite

This ground floor gite is 45 m2 in size and has been awarded a 3-ear classification. It is proudly labeled as both Tourism and Handicap-friendly. The accommodation boasts a comfortable lounge area complete with a television. The kitchen is fully equipped with all the necessary appliances and utensils. Additionally, bed linen and towels are thoughtfully provided for your convenience. Outside, there is a charming small garden courtyard for you to enjoy.


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To get to Clermont-Ferrand from Puy-en-Velay (43), follow these travel directions: Take the D13 road towards Saint-Paulien, located near the RN 102. From there, continue in the direction of Clermont-Ferrand and take the RN 88 road, which connects Saint-Étienne to Le Puy-en-Velay.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: with independent bathroom
(3 pers.)
2 70 70 490 490 750
Notes: on the ground floor, direct access to courtyard


Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted


  • Limoges - Located approximately 20 kilometers away from Blanzac, Limoges is known for its rich history and porcelain production. The city offers attractions such as the Gothic Limoges Cathedral, the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Adrien Dubouché National Museum of Porcelain.
  • Oradour-sur-Glane - Situated around 30 kilometers from Blanzac, Oradour-sur-Glane is a haunting reminder of World War II. The village was destroyed by Nazis in 1944, and today it stands as a memorial and museum, preserving the tragic events that took place.
  • Saint-Junien - Found about 15 kilometers from Blanzac, Saint-Junien is a charming town renowned for its leather industry. Visitors can explore the picturesque old town, visit the Espace Paul Rebeyrolle museum dedicated to modern art, or take a stroll along the Vienne River.
  • Rochechouart - Roughly 40 kilometers away from Blanzac, Rochechouart is famous for its stunning château, which houses the Museum of Contemporary Art. Additionally, visitors can explore the picturesque old town, enjoy the beautiful views from the Belvédère viewpoint, or take a walk around the nearby Lac de Saint-Mathieu.
  • Château de Montbrun - Located about 25 kilometers from Blanzac, the Château de Montbrun is a magnificent medieval castle surrounded by lush greenery. Visitors can take guided tours to explore its history, admire the architecture, and enjoy the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Bellac - Situated approximately 40 kilometers away from Blanzac, Bellac is a charming town known for its picturesque setting along the Vincou River. Visitors can explore the historic town center, visit the Bellac Bridge, and enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and fishing in the nearby Monts de Blond Natural Regional Park.
  • Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat - Found about 50 kilometers from Blanzac, Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat is a medieval town with a rich religious heritage. The town's Abbey Church of Saint-Léonard is a UNESCO World Heritage site and attracts visitors with its stunning Romanesque architecture. These attractions near Blanzac offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, providing visitors with a diverse range of options to explore and enjoy during their stay in the region.