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Chemin de Malause
St Nicolas de la Grave



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Price per night:

price from €52




Description for B&B:

In this accommodation, you will discover a highly comfortable bedroom featuring a spacious king size bed measuring 160 centimeters. The bedroom also offers an attached bathroom equipped with a sink, shower, and toilet. Additionally, if desired, a baby bed can be provided upon request. From the bedroom, you can enjoy picturesque views of the garden, countryside, and a refreshing swimming pool measuring 5 meters by 10 meters. The location offers a range of leisure activities for your enjoyment. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to embark on various excursions amidst the enchanting hills of Lomagne, the captivating Causses du Quercy, and the scenic slopes of the Aveyron region. These expeditions combine delightful tourist attractions with gastronomic delights, ensuring a memorable experience.


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To reach your destination, follow these travel directions:
If traveling by car, take the BORDEAUX-TOULOUSE A 62 motorway and exit at n° 8 Valence d'Agen. From there, head towards Valence d'Agen and continue onto N. 113 in the direction of Malause (also Montauban). Once you pass Malause, take a right turn over the new bridge, following the sign for St Nicolas de la Grave. After traveling for approximately one kilometer, you will find a white house on the left side with a pool, located across from the funerary Ets. VIGNOLLES.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 52 55 300


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Abbaye de Belleperche: Located in Cordes-Tolosannes, about 15 kilometers from St Nicolas de la Grave, Abbaye de Belleperche is a former Cistercian monastery that now serves as a museum. Visitors can explore its beautiful architecture, gardens, and exhibits on medieval art and cultural heritage.
  • Canal de Garonne: Running through St Nicolas de la Grave, the Canal de Garonne is part of the larger Canal des Deux Mers, connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. This picturesque waterway offers opportunities for boat rides, cycling, or leisurely walks along its banks.
  • Moissac Abbey: Situated in the nearby town of Moissac, Moissac Abbey is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a significant stop along the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route. The abbey features stunning Romanesque architecture, intricate sculptures, and a cloister considered one of the finest in France.
  • Montauban: Located roughly 30 kilometers northeast of St Nicolas de la Grave, Montauban is a charming town known for its red-brick buildings and rich history. Highlights include the Musée Ingres, dedicated to the works of the renowned painter Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, and the stunning Place Nationale, a square lined with arcades.
  • Airbus Factory Tour: For aviation enthusiasts, a visit to the Airbus Factory in Toulouse is a must. Toulouse is approximately 70 kilometers from St Nicolas de la Grave. The guided tour offers insights into the production process of one of the world's leading aircraft manufacturers.
  • Auvillar: Situated on a hill overlooking the Garonne Valley, Auvillar is a quaint village known for its medieval architecture and panoramic views. Visitors can explore its charming streets, visit the circular market hall, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of this picturesque place.
  • Toulouse: As the fourth-largest city in France, Toulouse offers a wide range of attractions. Known as the "Pink City" due to its distinctive brick buildings, Toulouse boasts impressive landmarks such as the Basilique Saint-Sernin, the Capitole de Toulouse, and the Cité de l'Espace, a space-themed park and museum.
  • Grésigne Forest: Located approximately 100 kilometers northwest of St Nicolas de la Grave, the Grésigne Forest is one of the largest oak forests in Europe. This natural paradise provides opportunities for hiking, picnicking, and enjoying the serene beauty of nature.
  • Château de Gramont: Situated in the charming village of Gramont, about 45 kilometers southeast of St Nicolas de la Grave, Château de Gramont is a well-preserved medieval castle. Visitors can explore its towers, courtyards, and gardens, and learn about its fascinating history through guided tours. 10. Saint-Cirq-Lapopie: Although a bit further away (approximately 140 kilometers northeast of St Nicolas de la Grave), Saint-Cirq-Lapopie is worth a visit for its stunning cliffside location and well-preserved medieval architecture. This picturesque village offers breathtaking views of the Lot River and is listed as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages of France."

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