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Contact Details:


Mr Et Mme Vuillard Philippe Et Valérie
49 Rue Des Tilleuls hameau de pellier



3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

Start your day off right with a peaceful slumber, followed by a delightful breakfast in a cozy room filled with the fragrant essence of our local woodlands. Indulge in a scrumptious assortment of freshly baked bread and brioche, accompanied by a selection of premium jams, all lovingly prepared with our own organic ingredients.


Appréciations pour les cabanes de pellier, Charcier:

Un gîte tout confort !
Review by: Jean-marie PROST , Mai 20 2023 3:03PM
Nous avons passé une petite semaine à 3 couples dans ce gîte très confortable qui propose 3 chambres avec chacune leur salle de bains et toilettes. Le propriétaire Philippe est très chaleureux et propose le petit déjeuner avec pain et brioche de sa fabrication tout simplement excellents.
Le meilleur des gîtes
Review by: Parasie, Aou 5 2019 7:23PM
Super accueil, des hôtes d'excellents conseils, un cadre super calme et revigorant. Hébergement très convivial, super confort ! Je recommande à tous pour un weekend entre amis ou famille. Y a tout pour plaire
A ne pas manquer !
Review by: Claudon, Fev 7 2012 3:51PM
Une chambre d'hôte qui possède une histoire, décorée avec goût et amour et servie par des propriétaires courageux et attentionnés qui savent vous renseigner sans oublier un petit déjeuner copieux... tout ce que l'on recherche dans une chambre d'hôte... à ne pas manquer !

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To reach Arlay via the motorway exit, it will take approximately 35 minutes. Take the A39 highway and continue following the route towards Lons le Saunier. From there, continue on the same path towards Clairvaux les Lacs. Lastly, proceed towards Charcier Pellier to reach your destination.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65 85 535 535 20 oui
Notes: Room 4 people




  • Lac de Chalain - Located just 5 kilometers away from Charcier, Lac de Chalain is a stunning natural lake surrounded by lush greenery. Visitors can enjoy various water activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing, or simply relax on the sandy beaches.
  • Cascades du Hérisson - Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Charcier, the Cascades du Hérisson is a series of breathtaking waterfalls cascading down the Jura Mountains. There are several hiking trails that allow visitors to explore the picturesque landscapes and witness the beauty of these impressive falls.
  • Château de Chalon - This medieval castle is located around 20 kilometers from Charcier and offers panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards and the valley below. Visitors can explore the castle's historic walls, admire its architecture, and learn about the rich history of the region.
  • Baume-les-Messieurs - Situated approximately 25 kilometers away, Baume-les-Messieurs is a picturesque village nestled in a beautiful valley. This charming village is renowned for its stunning abbey, underground caves, and a magnificent waterfall. Visitors can also enjoy hiking trails that lead to scenic viewpoints.
  • Salins-les-Bains - Located about 40 kilometers from Charcier, Salins-les-Bains is a historic town known for its salt mines. The Royal Saltworks, a UNESCO World Heritage site, offers guided tours where visitors can learn about the history of salt production. The town also has a charming old town center with beautiful architecture and a thermal spa.
  • Arbois - Situated approximately 45 kilometers away, Arbois is a charming wine-producing town known for its vineyards and wine cellars. Visitors can explore the town's picturesque streets, visit the Maison Pasteur (birthplace of Louis Pasteur), and indulge in wine tasting experiences.
  • Besançon - Located around 70 kilometers from Charcier, Besançon is a historic city with a rich cultural heritage. The city boasts numerous attractions such as the Citadel of Besançon, a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Astronomical Clock. Visitors can also enjoy strolling along the charming streets and exploring the city's vibrant culinary scene. Please note that distances are approximate and may vary depending on the exact location in Charcier. It is recommended to check the opening hours and availability of attractions before planning a visit.