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Boyer Philippe et Marie-Jo
Le Chausse-Haut Rentieres
Ardes sur Couze


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

We offer 3-star hotels featuring private full bathrooms. Our comfortable two-person rooms are available at a rate of 55 euros per night, with the option to add an extra bed for 18 euros. For families, we provide spacious family rooms accommodating up to four individuals at a rate of 80 euros per night.

Description for Gite

This rental property requires a 10-euro deposit and offers four bedrooms, each with its own bathroom. It also features a spacious living room, a terrace with scenic views, and secure parking. The rental price ranges from 480 euros to 920 euros, depending on the season.


Appréciations pour Chambres d'hôtes La Fermette, Ardes sur Couze:

Superbe gîte
Review by: Grégoire Gisèle, Sep 10 2019 2:48PM
Accueil irréprochable, gîte très grand, confortable, très propre, point de vue exceptionnel... Nous le recommandons.

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To reach the shoe upper dernire farm, follow these travel directions: Take the Ardes couze Rentières road from either the A75 exit 15 or exit 17 Lembron Saint Germain. After passing the hamlet, turn left and continue until you reach the shoe upper dernire farm.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: table and breakfast 20 euros
Notes: table and breakfast 20 euros
Apartment 1 380 520 18
Notes: possibility breakfast table


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


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