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Francis Ravenaux
Les Nielles
Saint Meloir Des Ondes


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price from €288



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Description for B&B:

Situated along the scenic Bay of Mont St Michel on the D 155, just a short distance from Saint Malo (10 min.) and Cancale (5 min.), La Pastourelle is a remarkable destination for those with a discerning palate, renowned for its delectable oysters. This charming guest house by the sea serves as an ideal starting point for your sightseeing excursions, hiking adventures, and a variety of activities.

As you step through the door, you will be greeted with a warm and friendly atmosphere that perfectly matches the tastefully decorated surroundings. Take a moment to relax in one of the cozy armchairs at the bar, or make use of the free WIFI available.

Each of the 5 cottages at "La Pastourelle" is equipped with a private entrance, ensuring your privacy throughout your stay. These accommodations, which have received the prestigious B&B 3 Suns label, feature private bathrooms, comfortable bedding, televisions, and a corner for hot beverages.

From our bed and breakfast, you will have easy access to the nearby attractions of Saint Malo, Cancale, and Mont Saint Michel. Within approximately 10 minutes, you can reach Cancale and its stunning beaches along the Wild Coast, offering an array of water activities. History enthusiasts and admirers of architecture and ancient structures will be delighted by visits to Saint Malo, Dinan, Dol de Bretagne, Combourg, and of course, the famous Mont Saint Michel.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 288 288
(3 pers.)
1 75 81 24
Holiday Home 1


Animals Allowed


  • Saint-Malo: Located just 10 kilometers away, Saint-Malo is a historic walled city known for its stunning beaches, ancient ramparts, and picturesque old town. Explore the cobblestone streets, visit the Saint-Malo Cathedral, or take a walk along the city walls for breathtaking views of the coastline.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Situated around 40 kilometers from Les Nielles, Mont Saint-Michel is a must-visit attraction in France. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a medieval abbey perched on a rocky island, surrounded by vast tidal flats. Marvel at the stunning architecture, climb to the abbey's top for panoramic views, and enjoy the charming streets filled with shops and restaurants.
  • Dinard: Located approximately 20 kilometers away, Dinard is a lovely seaside resort town known for its Belle Époque villas, beautiful beaches, and vibrant promenade. Take a stroll along the Plage de l'Écluse, visit the Casino Barrière de Dinard, or explore the town's vibrant art scene.
  • Cancale: Situated just 10 kilometers from Les Nielles, Cancale is a coastal town famous for its oysters. Enjoy fresh seafood in one of the many seafood restaurants, visit the Oyster Museum to learn about oyster farming, or take a walk along the scenic coastal paths for breathtaking views of the bay.
  • Fort National: Located in Saint-Malo and easily accessible from Les Nielles, Fort National is an imposing 17th-century fortress that stands at the entrance of the harbor. Explore the fort's walls, learn about its history, and enjoy beautiful views of Saint-Malo and the sea.
  • Cap Fréhel: Situated approximately 50 kilometers away, Cap Fréhel is a stunning headland known for its dramatic cliffs and panoramic views. Take a hike along the coastal path, visit the lighthouse, and admire the picturesque landscapes and bird colonies.
  • Dinan: Located around 30 kilometers from Les Nielles, Dinan is a medieval town that offers a charming glimpse into the past. Wander through the well-preserved old town, admire the half-timbered houses, and visit the 13th-century Château de Dinan for a taste of medieval history.
  • Château de Combourg: Situated approximately 20 kilometers away, the Château de Combourg is a medieval castle known for its association with the famous French writer, François-René de Chateaubriand. Explore the castle's impressive architecture, visit the museum dedicated to Chateaubriand, and take a stroll through the beautiful gardens. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historic towns and castles to stunning coastal landscapes, ensuring a memorable visit to the Les Nielles area in France.

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