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Contact Details:


Chastel Nicole et Clément
73 Rue de la Belle Meunière
Bourg les Valence


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €45






Description for B&B:

Enjoy a relaxing stay at our charming bed and breakfast for an unbeatable price of only 45 euros for two people. Indulge in our refreshing swimming pool and unwind in our beautiful garden. Rest easy knowing that convenient parking is available for your convenience.


Appréciations pour Les Lauriers Roses, Bourg les Valence:

Chambre d'Hôtes Bourg Les Valence
Review by: Poupard, Avr 11 2012 9:27AM
j’héberge toutes les années les professeurs allemands qui participent à l'échange avec notre lycée dans cette chambre d'Hôtes, ils sont enchantés et apprécient la gentillesse et la disponibilité de la famille Chastel, ils adorent discuter avec eux et apprécient le pain frais du matin!
Review by: berthelin, Aou 29 2010 2:24PM
Nous y avons passé 2 nuits en aout et sommes très déçus de la prestation.60ela nuit. Petit déjeuner plus que passable,pain-beurre-confiture superU(pas de viennoiseries,brioche ou autre),serviettes très usées,chambre(pas impeccable) semi-enterrée en sous sol avec accès sur garage(forte impression d'isolement),accueil plutôt froid(impression d'être des amis gênants),la piscine est très bien à la condition de ne pas faire de bruit après 21h(dommage en été).L'appellation "chambre chez l'habitant" plutôt que "chambre d'hôtes" (convivialité, confort et plaisir)aurait été plus juste.
Response from property:
Juste une petite précision, 60 euros la nuit tarif pour un hébergement de 4 personnes, 1 couple, 1 enfant d'une dizaine d'année et un autre moins de 4 ans. La piscine est ouverte sans restriction mais à partir de 21 heures nous demandons de réduire fortement le bruit, en même temps nous avions un autre couple qui avait demandé la table d'hote c'est peut être pour cette raison que cette personne s'est senti isolée !!!!

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 45 18


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Valence Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Valence, this stunning Romanesque cathedral is a must-visit attraction. It features beautiful stained glass windows, intricate stone carvings, and a rich history dating back to the 11th century.
  • Château de Crussol: Situated on a hilltop overlooking Valence, this medieval castle offers panoramic views of the Rhône Valley. Visitors can explore the ruins of the fortress, learn about its fascinating history, and enjoy various events and exhibitions held within its walls.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Located in Hauterives, approximately 60 kilometers from Bourg les Valence, this unique architectural masterpiece was built by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval. The palace is an intricate combination of various styles and features a myriad of sculptures, making it a truly enchanting sight.
  • Musée de Valence: Situated in the heart of Valence, this museum showcases a diverse range of artworks and artifacts, including paintings, sculptures, archaeological finds, and historical objects. It offers a comprehensive overview of the region's cultural and artistic heritage.
  • Parc Jouvet: A picturesque park located in Valence, Parc Jouvet offers a peaceful retreat from the city's hustle and bustle. The park boasts beautifully landscaped gardens, a lake, walking paths, playgrounds, and even a mini zoo, making it an ideal spot for relaxation and family outings.
  • Maison des Têtes: This unique Renaissance mansion is located in the historic center of Valence. Adorned with intricately carved stone heads, the building is a remarkable example of Renaissance architecture and now serves as a cultural center and exhibition space.
  • Musée de l'Art Sacré: Situated in the nearby town of Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye, this museum is dedicated to sacred art and religious artifacts. It houses a collection of religious paintings, sculptures, and other objects, offering visitors a glimpse into the region's religious heritage.
  • Jardin Zen d'Erik Borja: Located in Montvendre, approximately 20 kilometers from Bourg les Valence, this tranquil Japanese-inspired garden provides a serene and peaceful environment. Visitors can stroll through the beautifully designed landscapes, admire the Zen elements, and find inner peace.
  • Pont-en-Royans: Situated on the banks of the Bourne River, this charming village is known for its colorful houses and picturesque setting. Explore the narrow streets, admire the medieval architecture, and enjoy the scenic views of the river and surrounding cliffs. 10. Vercors Regional Natural Park: Located about an hour's drive from Bourg les Valence, this vast natural park offers breathtaking landscapes, including limestone cliffs, deep gorges, and dense forests. Outdoor enthusiasts can indulge in various activities such as hiking, mountain biking, and wildlife spotting in this protected area.

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