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Christophe Sittler
68 Rue des Vignerons


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Price per week:

price from €270






Description for Gite

Welcome to our charming lodging, designed to accommodate 2 to 4 people. Situated in close proximity to our residence, it boasts a private entrance for your convenience. This fully equipped abode features a kitchen, bathroom, cozy lounge area, and a delightful mezzanine. Regardless of the season, our lodging is open year-round, ensuring a comfortable stay whenever you visit. We take joy in offering recommendations for your sightseeing adventures, ensuring a memorable experience throughout your stay.


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You can find the cottage situated in the parking lot near the upper gate of Garden City.



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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: meals not available




  • Bergheim Village: Located right at your doorstep, Bergheim is a charming medieval village known for its well-preserved city walls and half-timbered houses. Take a stroll through the narrow streets, admire the historic architecture, and visit the local shops and restaurants.
  • Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle: Situated about 5 kilometers northeast of Bergheim, this magnificent castle is perched on a hilltop offering panoramic views of the surrounding area. Dating back to the 12th century, Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle is a remarkable example of medieval architecture and provides a fascinating glimpse into the region's history.
  • Riquewihr: Just 6 kilometers south of Bergheim, Riquewihr is a postcard-perfect village renowned for its well-preserved old town. The picturesque streets are lined with colorful half-timbered houses, inviting shops, and delightful cafes. Don't miss the opportunity to sample local wines at one of the many wineries in the area.
  • Eguisheim: Located approximately 11 kilometers southwest of Bergheim, Eguisheim is another enchanting Alsatian village. The town's circular layout and concentric streets create a unique and captivating atmosphere. Wander through the charming streets adorned with colorful flowers, explore the castle ruins, and savor the local cuisine and wines.
  • Colmar: Situated around 15 kilometers northwest of Bergheim, Colmar is a must-visit destination in the region. Known as the "Little Venice" due to its picturesque canals, Colmar boasts a well-preserved old town with beautifully preserved medieval and Renaissance buildings. Explore the famous Unterlinden Museum, stroll along the charming Petite Venise district, and indulge in the local gastronomy.
  • Strasbourg: While a bit further away (approximately 70 kilometers north of Bergheim), Strasbourg is worth a visit if you have the time. As the capital of the Alsace region, Strasbourg offers a wealth of attractions, including the stunning Gothic Cathedral, the historic Petite France neighborhood, and the European Parliament. Immerse yourself in the city's rich history, culture, and delectable cuisine. Note: Please ensure to check the opening hours and availability of attractions before visiting, as they may be subject to change or seasonal closures.

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