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Brigitte Beck
39 Route Nationale 8
Le Beausset


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Price per week:

price from €1050




Description for B&B:

The house is conveniently located just 300m away from supermarkets. It is a terraced property, privately owned without any neighboring houses directly opposite. Additionally, there is the option to arrange babysitting services if needed. For added convenience, sheets can be rented for 15€ per sleep. If desired, housework can also be arranged for an additional fee of 80€. The bedrooms are equipped with mosquito nets, and the main room, spanning 35m2, is fitted with air conditioning.

Description for Gite

This spacious gite offers a comfortable stay with its 135m2 size and 3 bedrooms. The first bedroom features a 140cm double bed, while the second bedroom boasts a 160cm double bed and an ensuite bathroom with a shower and sink. The third bedroom includes a 90cm bed on the mezzanine level and a 130cm sofa bed below. Additionally, there is a second bathroom with a sink and bath. The well-equipped kitchen is conveniently located near the main room, which spans 35m2.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 170 170 1050 1050


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Circuit Paul Ricard: Located just 5 minutes away from Le Beausset, the Circuit Paul Ricard is a world-renowned motorsport race track. Visitors can enjoy thrilling races, explore the museum, and even experience driving on the track themselves.
  • Le Castellet Village: Situated atop a hill, Le Castellet is a charming medieval village offering stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can wander through narrow streets lined with stone houses, visit artisan boutiques, and enjoy delicious Provençal cuisine at local restaurants.
  • Bandol: A picturesque coastal town located approximately 10 kilometers from Le Beausset, Bandol is famous for its beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vineyards. Visitors can relax on the sandy shores, indulge in local wines, and explore the charming harbor area.
  • Calanques National Park: Situated along the Mediterranean coast, Calanques National Park is a natural paradise of rugged cliffs, turquoise waters, and hidden coves. Hiking enthusiasts can explore the park's numerous trails, while boat tours offer a unique perspective of the stunning coastal landscape.
  • Cassis: Known for its quaint fishing port, Cassis is a delightful town nestled between towering cliffs and the sea. Visitors can take boat trips to see the impressive Calanques, stroll along the promenade, and sample the local seafood at waterfront restaurants.
  • Toulon: Located approximately 20 kilometers from Le Beausset, Toulon is a vibrant city with a rich maritime history. Visitors can explore the picturesque Old Town, visit the naval base, enjoy shopping and dining in the city center, or take a cable car ride to the top of Mount Faron for breathtaking views.
  • The Island of Porquerolles: Accessible by ferry from Hyères, the Island of Porquerolles is a true paradise with its unspoiled beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush vegetation. Visitors can rent bicycles to explore the island, relax on pristine sandy beaches, and discover charming villages.
  • Aix-en-Provence: Located about an hour's drive from Le Beausset, Aix-en-Provence is a historic city famous for its elegant architecture, vibrant markets, and cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the charming old town, visit museums like Cézanne's studio, and enjoy the city's lively café culture. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historic villages and enjoying beautiful coastal scenery to indulging in motorsport excitement and immersing oneself in the vibrant culture of Provence.

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