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Sabine Dubois
Le Coly Haut


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Price per night:

price from €75




Description for B&B:

Welcome to the Bed and Breakfast at The Chalets of The High Colony Barn. We are conveniently located in Château-lEvêque, between Périgueux and Brantôme, with easy access to Angoulème. Set in a beautiful park on the edge of the forest, our property offers two charming cottages that have been converted into comfortable bed and breakfast accommodations.

The first cottage, called Périgord Purple, is perfect for a couple or a couple with a child. It features a cozy mezzanine and a bathroom with a shower (90x90) and toilet. The second cottage, Périgord Green, is ideal for a couple and includes a bathroom with a shower (80x80) and toilet. Both cottages are equipped with toiletries and a kettle with a selection of hot drink options. Each cottage also has a small terrace with table and chairs, allowing you to relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

Start your day with a delicious breakfast served in the dining room or on our house's terrace. Our breakfast includes homemade specialties such as jams, fresh fruit salad, and bread. We also offer free WiFi access for your convenience. Pets are welcome, but please contact us in advance to discuss any specific requirements.

During your stay, you can explore the beautiful nature surrounding us by taking advantage of the nearby hiking trails. Additionally, there are several tourist sites within a 20km radius, including Brantôme, Bourdeille, and the Grotte de Villars.

The price for the Périgord Purple cottage is €75 per night, with an additional €15 for a child. For bookings of 3 nights or more, the rate is reduced to €72 per night, including breakfast for two people. The price for the Périgord Green cottage is €72 per night, including breakfast for two people. Please note that there is a local tourist tax of €0.83 per person, per night.

For inquiries or reservations, you can contact us by email or phone. Our phone lines are open during noon and evening hours, and if we are unavailable, feel free to leave a message on our answering machine. We look forward to welcoming you to our charming bed and breakfast.


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If you are coming from Périgueux, take the right lane of the radar and then take the right turn at the bifurcation which intersects the departmental road. Continue straight and take the top road among the three small roads in the middle panel. Follow this road until you reach the high Coly, then continue straight until you reach the restored barn.

If you are coming from Angoulème, in the village of Château-l'Evêque, take the road that leads up to the castle. Pass by the church and the entrance of the castle, then take the first left turn. Continue until you reach the top of the small road on the right, which leads to the high Coly. Keep climbing straight until you see a sign on a barn.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Sabine Dubois.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 75 75 17


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Puyguilhem: Located in Villars, just a short drive from Château-l'Évêque, this 16th-century Renaissance castle is a must-visit. It is known for its impressive architecture, beautiful gardens, and intricate woodwork.
  • Périgueux: Situated around 10 kilometers south of Château-l'Évêque, Périgueux is a historic town with a rich heritage. Explore the narrow medieval streets, visit the Périgueux Cathedral, and wander around the charming old town.
  • Grotte de Tourtoirac: Approximately 15 kilometers northeast of Château-l'Évêque, this stunning natural cave is a fascinating attraction. Admire the impressive stalagmites and stalactites, and marvel at the ancient rock formations during a guided tour.
  • Brantôme: Located about 25 kilometers east of Château-l'Évêque, Brantôme is often referred to as the "Venice of Périgord." This picturesque town is built on an island and surrounded by the Dronne River. Explore the charming streets, visit the impressive Brantôme Abbey, and enjoy a relaxing boat ride.
  • Les Jardins du Manoir d'Eyrignac: Situated approximately 35 kilometers northwest of Château-l'Évêque, these magnificent gardens are known for their meticulously maintained hedges, stunning flowerbeds, and serene atmosphere. Take a leisurely stroll and immerse yourself in the beauty of this enchanting place.
  • Lascaux IV: Located around 40 kilometers north of Château-l'Évêque in Montignac, Lascaux IV is a replica of the famous prehistoric Lascaux caves. Discover the remarkable cave paintings and learn about the ancient history of the region through interactive exhibits.
  • Sarlat-la-Canéda: About 50 kilometers southwest of Château-l'Évêque, Sarlat-la-Canéda is a medieval town known for its well-preserved architecture and charming atmosphere. Explore the cobbled streets, visit the Sarlat Cathedral, and indulge in the local gastronomy at the bustling market.
  • Château de Beynac: Situated approximately 60 kilometers southwest of Château-l'Évêque, this majestic medieval castle overlooks the Dordogne River. Take a guided tour of the castle, enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, and immerse yourself in the history of the region.
  • Rocamadour: Located about 90 kilometers southeast of Château-l'Évêque, Rocamadour is a stunning cliffside village and a significant pilgrimage site. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Rocamadour Sanctuary, and take in the breathtaking views of the Alzou Valley. 10. Saint-Émilion: Situated approximately 120 kilometers west of Château-l'Évêque, Saint-Émilion is a charming village renowned for its vineyards and wine production. Explore the underground catacombs, visit the Monolithic Church, and enjoy wine tastings at the local wineries.

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