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Inge (flo) Et Rob Kamphuis
Quartier Fond De La Viell


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Price per week:

price from €770






Description for B&B:

Prepare to be surprised by the tranquility and solitude of this hidden gem. We have become infatuated with this region and are eager for you to experience its magic.
Our utmost priority is to ensure that your stay is nothing short of extraordinary.

Nestled in the heart of the Pyrenean Piedmont, the village of Estadens is a sanctuary for those in search of relaxation, serenity, and scenic nature walks.
With an abundance of sunshine, this location offers an awe-inspiring panoramic view of the majestic Cagire mountain range.
As our esteemed guests, you will be warmly welcomed to our charming farm, which overlooks lush meadows and towering mountains.

A lush garden, a shaded terrace, convenient parking, and a refreshing swimming pool await your enjoyment. Tennis facilities are also available in the village.

Whether you are planning a weekend getaway or a longer vacation, whether you are traveling with friends or family, we offer a myriad of leisure activities, cultural experiences, and sports options to cater to all seasons.

We eagerly await your arrival and look forward to sharing this enchanting retreat with you soon!


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Holiday Home 7 110 770


Swimming Pool


  • Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges Cathedral: Located in the nearby village of Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges, this beautiful cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It showcases Romanesque architecture and houses the tomb of Saint Bertrand.
  • Gargas Caves: Situated in the Gargas commune, these prehistoric caves feature unique hand stencils and artwork dating back thousands of years. Visitors can explore the underground chambers and learn about the region's rich history.
  • Pyrenees National Park: Just a short drive away, Pyrenees National Park offers breathtaking landscapes and outdoor activities. From hiking and wildlife spotting to skiing and snowboarding in winter, the park caters to nature enthusiasts all year round.
  • Bagneres-de-Luchon: Known as the "Queen of the Pyrenees," this charming spa town is renowned for its thermal baths and Belle Époque architecture. Visitors can relax in the natural hot springs, enjoy outdoor sports, or explore the local shops and restaurants.
  • Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges: Apart from its cathedral, this medieval village is worth a visit for its well-preserved historic buildings, narrow streets, and picturesque squares. Take a stroll through its charming alleys and soak in the medieval atmosphere.
  • Col d'Aspin: A popular destination for cyclists and nature lovers, Col d'Aspin is a mountain pass in the Pyrenees. The scenic drive offers stunning views of the surrounding valleys and peaks, making it a great spot for photography and outdoor activities.
  • Montmaurin Gallo-Roman Villa: Located in Montmaurin, this archaeological site showcases the remains of a Gallo-Roman villa dating back to the 1st century AD. Visitors can explore the ruins, including the impressive Roman mosaics and thermal baths.
  • Montrejeau: Situated on the banks of the Garonne River, Montrejeau is a charming town known for its historic monuments, including the Church of Saint-Jean-Baptiste. The town also hosts various cultural events, such as the annual Montrejeau Jazz Festival.
  • Saint-Lizier: This medieval town features narrow streets, ancient houses, and a 12th-century cathedral. Visitors can explore the village's art galleries, craft shops, and enjoy stunning views of the surrounding countryside. 10. Lourdes: Approximately an hour's drive away, Lourdes is a world-famous pilgrimage site known for its religious significance. The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes attracts millions of visitors each year who come to seek healing and spiritual solace.