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Stanko Maroulevski
Route du Col de la Croisette - LieuDit Les Nabières



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60




Description for B&B:

Le Mas des Nabières offers two separate cottages overlooking a charming courtyard, providing a bed and breakfast experience. The first cottage features a spacious room with an Indian-inspired design, complete with a fireplace and a bathroom with a toilet, suitable for 2-3 people. The second cottage offers a cozy and independent room with its own bathroom and toilet, perfect for 2 guests. Additionally, each room has an attached annex room that shares the same bathroom and toilet as the main room. These annex rooms have a private entrance and are designed to be like a rural apartment, making them an ideal choice for families or couples traveling together. Please visit the owner's website for further details.

Description for Gite

This rural gîte is located in the charming hamlet of Mas des Nabières. It offers independent access along a quaint road that runs alongside it. The gîte boasts a private garden that opens up to breathtaking mountain views, as well as a delightful summer kitchen under a picturesque arbor. During periods of drought, guests can still enjoy a functional built-in barbecue. This accommodation is perfect for a couple looking for a romantic getaway, but it also comfortably accommodates a small family with two children. Additionally, it is well-suited for two couples of adults, providing a functional and enjoyable stay for all.


Appréciations pour Mas des Nabières, Saint-Martial:

Review by: Morin, Juil 25 2016 3:39PM
Séjour formidable au mas de nabieres,accueilli par ISKA le chien et bien sûr STanko le proprietaire qui est très sympha , pas de problème pour trouvé la chambre d hôte tout est chambre très spacieuse et une literie confortable .une salle pour faire les repas et où l on prend un bon petit dejeuner copieux.a refaire.(un peu d humour dans ce monde de brutes ,STanko a des airs de Jean ferrat
des vacances idylliques au mas des nabieres
Review by: Klaus et Betsy Graichen, Aou 24 2013 8:20PM
Des le debut de notre sejour au mas de nabieres on a recu de notre hote Stanko un accueil chalereux.La chambre indienne etait fait avec gout et etait tres proper et suffisament grande d`avoir l`impression d`etre dans un petit appartement. Stanko etait aux petits soins sans etre a aucun moment intrusive, l`hote parfait. On pouvait faire des repas simples le soir en les mangeant avec du jardin une vue splendide du village medieval et picturesque de Saint Martial.C`est un lieu parfait pour faire des randonnes parmi les chataignieres sur les anciennes drailles des moutons.Nous n`hesitons pas a recommender Le mas des nabieres et conte y retourner prochainement!

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To travel from Nîmes (westbound), follow the signs for Quissac, Sauves, Saint-Hipolytte du Fort, Ganges, Sumène, and finally Saint-Martial.

If you are coming from Montpellier (northbound), exit the city following the signs for "Hopitaux Facultés". Next, you will pass through Saint-Martin de Londres, Saint-Bauzile de Putois, and LaRoque. Once you reach Ganges, follow the directions for Nîmes. At the first roundabout, take the road towards Sumène and Saint-Martial.

For those coming from the center of France, head towards Millau and cross the beautiful viaduct. Then, continue towards Le Vigan and take the road leading to Ganges. Shortly after passing Pont-DHerault, you will find a small mountain road on your left. Take this road to reach Sumène, and from there, follow the road to Saint-Martial.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60 70 34 oui
(3 pers.)
1 94 125 oui
Apartment 1 128 140
Holiday Home -1 66 70 380 420




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